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  1. Farnarcle


  2. Farnarcle

    Mechanical Engineering

    No we did it on our own.
  3. Farnarcle

    Mechanical Engineering

    Yeh well in second sem they have a 4 hour lab for manufacturing. Its at the Ultimo TAFE so art of that 4 hours is an allowance for travel.
  4. Farnarcle

    Degrees in '05

    Nice to see some fresh Engineers. *waves*
  5. Farnarcle

    East Coast BluesFest (Easter)

    G-love. Mad.
  6. Farnarcle

    How many hours per week is Commerce/Law?

    Lol, that's half what I did last semester.
  7. Farnarcle

    LOTR Gandalf Vs Sauruman

    You didn't miss much. Gandalf gets his hand cut off and finds out that Saruman is his father.
  8. Farnarcle

    Who likes Jeff Buckley?

    Thats what I was doing too.
  9. Farnarcle

    crappy summer tv

    MASH is on. Which is good.
  10. Farnarcle

    Mechanical Engineering

    Yeah, that's what I meant to say about physics.
  11. Farnarcle

    Mechanical Engineering

    I did Physics at school. The physics in first year has a lot of similar stuff from the HSC with a lot of calculus and stuff put in. Chem was hard for me cos I didn't do it at school, but I actually got a better mark in that, cos I put more work in. Basically is you can pass them both, you...
  12. Farnarcle

    Mechanical Engineering

    I did 3U maths at school and I went alright at First year maths. I seem to think that it is similar in some areas to 4U maths. Well, as much as I could pick up from people who did 4U, anyway. First year generally has a lot of subjects that are done just to give you a background in the area...
  13. Farnarcle

    Anyone doing EE?

    Mech Eng has 78. Whoo!
  14. Farnarcle

    you only hide

    I'll have to agree with you on that one.
  15. Farnarcle

    Who likes going to uni on Fri?

    *Raises hand* I go everyday.
  16. Farnarcle

    Favourite Christmas Movies

    I find it hard to get my head around someone playing Santa 'realisitcally'. Like, what do you have to refer to?
  17. Farnarcle

    Phone Booth

    Yes'm. I knew I got the length wrong.
  18. Farnarcle

    Phone Booth

    All filmed in only 28 days too.
  19. Farnarcle

    Phone Booth

    I liked it. I think I used it for related material, too, last year.
  20. Farnarcle

    Exam Bitching
