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  1. Glide

    Algorithm for marking :)

    Alright I'll keep that in mind, thanks.
  2. Glide

    technical feasibility

    Yes, in my textbook all it says, basically that it deals with matching hardware and software requirements with the sometimes unrealistic view of users. Also talks about having to know about latest developments in the field if your a system analyst...
  3. Glide

    Algorithm for marking :)

    Wow thanks for the feedback guys! This was in the marking guidelines 'Good responses obtained user input, searched the entire array for the destination and calculated the required fare.' Like SamD said, I should have returned the value back and constructed it as a proper function rather...
  4. Glide

    Ok, just need to clarify something on pseducode.

    Its really shocking how we all get told different things.. us poor SDD students. I think they seriously need to redefine the course.. but oh well, were stuck doing this one with the average scaling ><
  5. Glide


    Remember that using For Next can be very inefficiant... If you used a while statement you can get out of a loop quicker, dunno if markers will favour efficiancy but yeah.
  6. Glide

    Ok, just need to clarify something on pseducode.

    Well mine and chris's teacher said using VB syntax is an absolute no-no, and you could expect to lose heaps of marks.. Judging from SamD's strict marking of that algorithm thread, I'd say stick with proper pseudocode structure/names!
  7. Glide

    Algorithm for marking :)

    Question 22 E 2002 paper 2002 Paper here BEGIN CostOfTickets(UserDest,NumSingle,NumReturn) Set FoundDest as Boolean Set TotalFare as Integer Set Index as Integer FoundDest = False TotalFare = 0 Index = 1 WHILE destination(Index) < 101 AND FoundDest = False IF...
  8. Glide

    Mark my algorithm

    Wow, I never knew you could not access records with an index in a sequential file D:! So I guess i'll leave that for random access. How would you (in pseudocode) check the 999th record for a sentenal value, you'd have to loop through the whole record? thats very inefficiant :(
  9. Glide


    I believe there is a: FOR x = 1 to 100 code blah Next X command... well thats what our teacher said. Somehow I think im gonna steer away from it though :|
  10. Glide

    Mark my algorithm

    Dont have the Q infront of me, but it looks good to me :)
  11. Glide


    Care to type out that definition for here? :)
  12. Glide

    logical programming

    Logical is based on facts and rules.. It allows computers to take in a heap of info and calculate trends or conclusions from that info, which makes it useful for applications like neural networks (from what I gather). Just because its not a popular end user language does not mean its useless...
  13. Glide


    Your not the only one having problems with this :| Asking the same thing in my thread 'OOP questions'
  14. Glide

    flowchart templates

    Well I could probibly get away with that with our examiners :)
  15. Glide

    flowchart templates

    I dont see why printing it out is a problem.. Obviously a flowchart is a flowchart, no matter what medium its on.
  16. Glide

    OOP questions..

    Seriously this textbook is whacked, the definition for polymorphism sounds like it should be the one for inheritance
  17. Glide

    Functional Paradigm

    Logic is based on facts and rules... wheres the recursion in that D:
  18. Glide

    What should I/we be doing on Thursday morning?

    D) Preparing a failsafe suicide attempt.. This is the most stressed out i've been... I HAVE to excell in it, its the only exam that counts for me :(
  19. Glide

    OOP questions..

    Theres a lot of information there... :\ Still confusing.. it seems theres no easy way to describe either of them :(
  20. Glide

    Realistically, what are we all aiming for?

    That sucks dude, good luck with chemistry :s !