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  1. R

    Where can I find the past CSSA and independent paper

    Ive got the 2003 CSSA and independent if you want. If your too lazy to search that is.
  2. R

    file size

    Lucky, i dont turn 18 until late next year(youngest person in my class).
  3. R

    Question For the Smartest

    No worries, just pointing it out. Oh yeh sorry bout the caps once more, Huy.
  4. R

    IPT Year 11

    Sorry, i love the caps lock button and the shift button, its like something that is second nature, if you dont like it ill try and stop it, not meaning or intending anything.
  5. R

    stressful work

    HEY huss, hows your study goin, long time no speak, anyway. THANKS FOR THE NOTES HUY(dont need them) cant learn other peoples notes, like to make my own(thats the beneficial part). ANYway THANKS.. Omar.
  6. R

    file size

    Happy BIRTHDAY HUY(abit late aye), just make estimates
  7. R

    IPT Year 11

    As HUY said everything in IPT is linked so learn one thing and your ready for the next. So approach it with comfort. AND YOUL BE SWEEEET
  8. R

    IPT Year 11

    Dont stress out, IPT is easy, depends on how you tackle it, if you want it to be hard it will be hard, i approach this subject and say how easy this subject is, and shit, everything makes sense and sticks in my head. Keep doin past papers, youll be fine.
  9. R

    Multimedia assessment

    Multimedia, how easy is that, just understand the concepts and importance of interactivity and thats the whole chapter. Understand the basic concepts and then move on to the rest.
  10. R

    CSSA IPT 2003 Trial

    IPT has got to be one of the best subjects in the HSC. It requires you to be both theoritical and practical sometimes and i like this because the dicks in my class who are retards and only know how to learn chapters of by heart and not understand anything dont get good marks. This subject...
  11. R


    My class average was 65%, but its not there fault, they try, our damn teacher is a fucking joke(sorry bout the swearing) but i hate him. He uses the assesment as a means of blackmaling students. Other than that IPT is so much fun, not cause its IPT but because i try and enjoy it as much as...
  12. R

    Question For the Smartest

    By da way HUY, if you saw the creator of that thread, hehe THAT WAS ME.
  13. R

    Question for the smartest out there

    "Huy is evil", not at all. I dont think he is evil. Stop being so serious people, JUST RELAX HAHAHa.
  14. R

    stressful work

    Yep right here. Lets see those notes of yours.
  15. R

    How long for multiple choice

    Nah seriously. Have i spelled it Correctly. Dont worry im not mad, im just interested to see if i spelled it correctly.
  16. R

    How long for multiple choice

    When i got into my computers exam, i know everything, but when i come to write it i write the wrong things . as soon as i leave that exam room i correct my error, I wish i could do that in the exam room but my brain is freakIN RETARDED(have i spelt it correctly HUY)
  17. R

    Question for the smartest out there

    YEH I GOT 74 IN MY ENGLISH WHICH I DID IN YR 11, your level of english does not jUDGE INTELLIGENCE. So i admit my english is pretty bad but when it comes to computers I AM THE KING!!!, oh yeh and CARS AS WELL. So once again you're(THANKS FOR THE CORRECTION HUY) all smart but the people who...
  18. R

    Question for the smartest out there

    Just to make you all happy, YOUR ALL SMART if you reply on this topic except the small minds who accuse others of being DUMB
  19. R

    Question For the Smartest

    Thats why i was complaining, i only lost 6 marks in the written section, that can be improved so easily. But multiple choice killed me, 14 marks .
  20. R

    Independent Trial ...what did u get???

    13/20 39/40 17/20 18/20 87%, highest was 90% then 88% then me.Lowest was 56%, the guy left a whole report blank. If anyone asks why i have posted both CSSA and Independent is cause in my school we did 2 trials.