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  1. T


    thats a gre way to build motivation im sure. "Youll Fail at life!"hehe
  2. T

    How are 07's finding prelim?

    i really dislike learning other languages. i wasnt bad at french when i did it but i hated it. the only thing i would use another language for would be is finding obscure phrases and telling them to strangers ala ross noble" im the frog catcher, i catch the frog" hehe
  3. T

    Year 11 Advanced English - Area of Study

    I hate it when teacher choose the AoS's that nobody wants to now about. i hate the choices our teacher makes
  4. T

    dropping subjects

    im gunna drop physics at the end of the year. i find it so boring and ill just concentrate on my others. i dont care how things work.
  5. T

    Committments other than academic?

    I had no idea that people actually did cheerleading. i thought that it was jus for movies...
  6. T

    Your favoutire exam conditions

    at my school they only let you drink water and no eating. theyre very strict
  7. T

    Stuck with the same subjects till the end, any regrets?

    ive got chemistry phsyics bio adv eng 2u maths dt 1u re (compulsory) as soon as i get the oppotunity goodbye physics. too many formulas to memorise.
  8. T

    Year 11 Advanced English - Area of Study

    you dont want to. ive got a speech due on wed on it and i hate it
  9. T

    Year 11 Advanced English - Area of Study

    hey is it just me or does everyone else hate brave new world?