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  1. zoesnotannoying

    Who do you think is the Greatest Australian Prime Minister?

    Whitlam for sure. <3 Keating was also rather great. What a funny and insulting man he was.
  2. zoesnotannoying

    Big Day Out 2007!

  3. zoesnotannoying

    do guys really like skinny girls?

    i think it has more to do with tit size than whether girls are skinny or not. i mean, i don't think guys care if a girl is VERY thin with enormous boobs (like pamela anderson and jordan), they just don't like skinny girls who also have flat chests.
  4. zoesnotannoying

    if ur a girl and u lose weight...

    yes, your tits will get smaller.
  5. zoesnotannoying

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    twins peaks season 1 curb your enthusiasm season 1
  6. zoesnotannoying

    What are you currently Reading?

    Veronika Decides To Die - Paulo Coelho my therapist gave it to me to read. :)