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  1. M

    Youth Allowance

    DO YOU GO TO UNI!!!!??? ur insane if u think that hecs covers everything... as a couple of others have pointed out there is far more to uni costs than jus hecs... *college fees *food n drink (im in a catered college but dinning hall isnt open all the time...) *fuel *social money - which for...
  2. M

    Clinical Placements - Nursing

    at une we get to place preferences for all our placements - i jus finished one in narromine which was great... we get two choices in what they call the tamworkth area (warren, dubbo, bathurst, orange, narromine, gill, wello etc etc), and two choices in the armidale area (armidale, coffs...
  3. M


    i think ull find that even tho UTS has a higher uai - it doesnt then have the best course... i do one clincal per week...then a 3 week prac block at the end of the month and then a four week prac block at the end of the year... the uai is prolly higher cos the number of ppl wanting to do...
  4. M

    questions for UNE students....

    bakers delight - across from coles...
  5. M

    The Course/College Thread

    we gunna get bashed now!! na they are nice and all but they dont realise that i dont care who jus sent them a msg proclaiming their everlasting love!! albies girls are ok in our lectures...there are a couple of snobs (laura_1 knows who i mean) and the others are sumtimes too wound up and need to...
  6. M

    Staying on campus

    austin is about the same...i think we pay about $225 a week fully catered but all the other costs except room and key deposits are the same as albies...
  7. M

    factors affecting performance/improving performance

    as everyone has said jus used ur syllabus...then piece it all together....its such a broken down assessment that u should jus work from the top and answer each question as u go... if u have any really specific questions jus post them...but i dont think u'll have a prob if u jus address the...
  8. M

    Improving Performance Assignment

    try setting this out in sections.... so u'd have a section explaining how u'd improve perfmce in each of the area's u mentioned, the move onto why u included them, the saftey conciderations and then the without wings said...there are heaps and heaps of impving pfmce notes...also if u...
  9. M

    Did YOU make notes???? advice...the syllabus may look like a bitch but it can be ur best thro BOTH sections....the points u have no idea about are wat u need to focus on....then jus work ur way through the bits u have a vauge idea about.... this worked for me in bio, pdhpe and re...but is pretty...
  10. M

    Private Schools

    not in every case...i went to a private school and there were alot of families like mine that worked hard so their kids could attend...dont get my wrong im not saying they are better or 'elite' but this view that we were 'snobs' in my town used to drive me crazy....
  11. M

    The Course/College Thread

    no offence to the robb ppl who are ok...(note there are only a few that ive met)...but they strike me as strange...and they dont shut the hell up in lectures....grrr....
  12. M

    Youth Allowance

    SO SO SO SO TRUE!!! I know ive had my rant about this already but its not v.fair that the gvmt can jus asssume certain things...each persons circumstances are different and should be treated as such...
  13. M

    Wat UNI are u goin2?

    Une!! FiShY tHrO n tHrO --2oo4
  14. M

    Who else is always single come valentines day?

    damn that must suck....i think v-day is a waste of time...created by those who have sumone in order to make single ppl feel like crap...yet its jus another day - ill survive...
  15. M

    Youth Allowance

    i disagre - jus because my parents earn a certain amount per year doesnt mean that they can afford to send me away plus help me out with stuff i need for uni AND support my parents work their ass' off to help me and it gets to a certain point where i feel bad that they have to...
  16. M

    Youth Allowance

    centerlink is not in my good books atm... as far as what stuff u need - jus walk into ur centerlink office and ask for youth allowance forms...i had to do a means test aswell cos my parents are self-employed...but here is a lil bit of advice...everytime u fill in one of their million page forms...
  17. M

    The Course/College Thread

    sounds...well interesting would be the word ill use!!!
  18. M

    Nursing Students

    i dont know why i wanted to do it...i did it as part of my hsc thro tafe and loved everything about it...its strange - most ppl i know doing nursing have mums or auntys or sisters that are nurses - im the first.... it should be a good challenge... FiShY cLaSs oF 2oo4 B Nursing - UNE
  19. M

    The Course/College Thread

    nursing, austin...
  20. M

    Queens University Ireland

    once ive finished post grad i wanna save up a bit and head over to ireland...your so lucky to be going now...