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  1. greenapple^0^

    dance music

    okay lol another song~!! i love this site~!!! does anyone know this song itz dance....and all i know is the video clip which goes like somthing with this dj and this asian girl..and like she dance or somthing with this loooong dress....and this guy is in china next to the "great wall" like i...
  2. greenapple^0^

    dance music

    holly crap~!!! thanks sooo much~!! that's the song my friend have been looking for~!! omg got dat out of my chest~ thanks~!! you rock~
  3. greenapple^0^

    dance music

    okay i am soooo damn pissed trying to find this damn song..... i really don't remeber when it was made or what the hell the song is called all i know is the video clip and it goes like this..okay there is a dj and this indian lady who sings and i think they are bitish....donno.... and it goes...
  4. greenapple^0^

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    GO KOREA~!!! YEAH~!!!! WOOHOO~!!!:D :D :D :D but i know they wouldn't win the world cup though still GO KOREA~!!! 대~한민*~!! 짝짝짝~ 대한민*~:) p,s they have the ugliest players ever~!!! so damn ugly~ still GO KOREA!
  5. greenapple^0^

    IP- Did u devise it or Pick it up some place

    yeah i heard dat u can swear but only around 3 times...and if u do swear over 3 times that the markers wouldn't really like it..well something shit like dat anyways ..i think we should coz itz realastic~ everyone swears
  6. greenapple^0^

    HSC suicides and depression

    oooo thanks~ dats so sweet
  7. greenapple^0^

    Gah Monologues!!

    the internets are not good at all but u could get some ideas from it i guess...coz i got my monologue from the internet for my audition for my hsc performance...which i don't no y we even did my damn teacher makes sure we can do it...and ppl like it though..but i finally got my monologue...
  8. greenapple^0^

    How has your life changed...?

    well my changes are.... dat i get tired more easily as i only sleep around 4 to 5 hrs a day normaly so i get more tired dat i'm hating my bloody family as i don't get enough sleep and with skool work equals stress which means just seeing my family makes me hate them even for the simple reason...
  9. greenapple^0^

    HSC suicides and depression

    ooo the emotional pain goin through during the hsc ..u no its not just the hsc but the whole being year 12 is just a big thing..starting from family, friends, school works..i've realise dat there is so little time dat it makes me panic which isn't good at all and doing two drama performaces...
  10. greenapple^0^

    NIDA Open Day

    lol i agree with the whole NIDA, it's too expensive i just think nida isn't dat good for it's price....well form the experience from the open was fun but...there was somthing about it dat didn't really felt...."the thing" so i don't know no y some people are crazy about goin there...
  11. greenapple^0^

    NIDA Open Day

    oooo poor thing~~ i went tho it was heaps of fun but those are the workshops where its typical normal ones like you know walking and running being a old person etc...but the best thing was the make up ~~ooo i got myself a two scars one on my neck like a vampire mark and other in my face like a...
  12. greenapple^0^

    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    lol no not in may i mean in november..but still on still sad..
  13. greenapple^0^


  14. greenapple^0^


    hahahaha i'm like a psycho on a lose~~lol if u are wondering i was just in a bad mood lol
  15. greenapple^0^

    Year 12 PiCS

    hahaha i know this is random but u got that quotes from the play "desire under the elms" right?? hahaha i liked that play~and we all love that part with the love bacon thing lol
  16. greenapple^0^

    IP- Did u devise it or Pick it up some place

    lol thanks... best of luck to u all of you guys who are doing this shitty hsc~~~~
  17. greenapple^0^

    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    omg ours yr12 prom is on sunday~~ like come on that's so crappy~~ and there is NO BAR that's just sad~~ NO BAR lol and i'm still underage BUT still..that's so sad not having a bar and having it on sunday like who's gonna party on sunday~~ still i'm going.... and i heard that we are having...
  18. greenapple^0^

    Red Bull no no's

    hahahaha you guys are all so funny~~ you know you hear that coffee wakes you up..thats all crap~~!! it actually relaxes me which means i get sleepy coz itz nice an warm~!! and i heard that there is this thing called "hairly lemon" i know weird name but i heard that helps... does it? where can i...
  19. greenapple^0^


    ARRRRRRGGGHHHHH I HATE SCHOOL~~!!!!! i hate everything right now.. and its not even close to hsc.. i hate it so much.. and i hate it when people ask what i want to do after school and if i say i want to go to uni they ask what subjects.. why don't u put ur finger up ur asss~~~agggghhhh i do...
  20. greenapple^0^

    Trial HSC Timetable

    omg everyone knows when they going to have their trials....god damn it i'm so slow...or maybe my school is slow.. i know that this is a random question and all but can i ask.. does your name of your high school matters on your hsc??? coz i heard dat you can get better result if you go to better...