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  1. Enoch

    Official Burning Of English Notes Pictures

    errr...its better if u get pissed first...:D
  2. Enoch

    anybody know this song?

    hhahah oops...i meant whisper ....LOL
  3. Enoch

    To all those complaining about Section B

    hahha our skool made us do speeches essay using 3 speeches for practice
  4. Enoch

    New Best Private School

    where da fuk did u pull that conclusion from??? tho we were tlking bout him wanting to be an investment banker. ...and BTW to get into med ur lowest uai is 94. that is hardly failing it. and no i didnt fail high u can ask ne1 in yr 12. and every fuking tool hus criticising...
  5. Enoch

    Whats an .ISO file???

    id recommend using alcohol 120..
  6. Enoch

    Should I buy Ipod Nano?

    y dont u just get the ipod video??...does ne1 noe if its out in aus yet??/ atm im using the sony hd1...its ok (20g,30hrs batterylife and it looks aite)...but yeah i wanna buy the ipod video wen it comes out in aus
  7. Enoch

    Overcoming the Psychology of High School

    indeed...*strokes his invisible beard*
  8. Enoch

    New Best Private School

    how da fuk can he be a sucessful investment banker if he fails hsc???...logic is flawed....and that dead shit of a dropkik bookie rekons u have a point...rofl..
  9. Enoch

    anybody know this song?

    ying yang twins - whistle song?? aye btw has ne1 heard that song for the msn ad where they play "mad world" but instead of Gary Jules they have some chick and then some kids???...does ne1 have it or noe the name of it??
  10. Enoch

    never been 'kissed'

    yes ..."kiss"...using the tongue in my pants i shall "kiss" her lips in HER PANTS!!!!....its ok im willing to sacrifice for the greater good... U doing?!
  11. Enoch

    To all those complaining about Section B

    yeah the BOS is like that...they lure u in to a false sense of security and eaines and then WWWWWHAM!!!! they turn u over and fuk u up the arse with a pole and nails sticking out...
  12. Enoch

    Do you see yourself marrying outside your race?

    for me its "black,white,portarican (how da fuk do u spell it lol), or asian, japanese, chinese or even haitian) seriously dun matter wot race they r.. btw im sick of ppl looking for 'halfies' cos theyre 'hot' . thats ONLY if theyre mixed properly...which is pretty rare...if...
  13. Enoch

    doing an "all nighter" - studying all night

    i did all niter for advanced modules...NEVER EVER DOING IT AGAIN!! 12 30pm - coffee made with 6 table spoons of coffee 3 00am - going strong getting abit hungry tho 5 00am - feeling LIKE SHIT!, tired, VERY SLEEPY 7 00am - VERY SLEEPY ...cant remem shit nemore 8 00am -...
  14. Enoch

    Do you see yourself marrying outside your race?

    hmmm thats pretty much just the one race....wheres the asian and black loving?
  15. Enoch

    To all those complaining about Section B

    our skool had to do the 3 hardest combo.. speeches,in the wild, and powerplay
  16. Enoch

    New Best Private School

    bookie hwo da fuk do u noe if i liked high or not???u fukturd...i did like high...i took the scholarship cos i wanted to see something different. and kimi ur just angry cos u goto a shit skool...not only can u not get into a decent selective skool but u cant even goto a decent private...
  17. Enoch

    Official Burning Of English Notes Pictures

    hmm....remem the incident bout the fukup with the paper2 being 'realeased early",20281,16946849-5001022,00.html in that article....the last line "Education Minister Carmel Tebbutt said there could be merit in an extra post-HSC exam that...
  18. Enoch

    the ronnie johns half hour

    ^werd however that skit with the english dudes kiking each other in the balls is a bit lame
  19. Enoch

    Looking for "wog shoes"

    dont lebos wear like airmaxs?? to go with their TIGHT jeans
  20. Enoch

    pick up line

    lmao pwned...but yeah ur definately rite bout getting it outta ur system and wth canteen?? old r u mate... werd...its subtle yet comfortable....but ur last last advice bout "I really like you, would you go out with me?"...thats just a bit confronting and blunt...dun think itll work