Search results

  1. alez

    Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? (merged)

    Re: Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? deciding between medicine and vet science. leaning more towards medicine atm. but i was also considering forensic science but im kinda over that right now
  2. alez

    emr and technology

    ok i have an assignment on emr and we have to write about emr and how it is used in technology. im doing dvds. it has to be 4 pages long about 1000 words and include diagrams. (which is slightly impossible cuz i can write how it works in about 4 lines and our booklet only have one sentence on...
  3. alez

    the BEST thing about ... PHYSICS!!!! (oh and the worst thing?) LOL

    best - so easy when u know what u r doing. and all the weird physics stories wound into the questions. physics seem to warp the mind. worst - my teacher. only one physics teacher in whole school now and he's teaching yr 12. so we r stuck with a guy who has to read ahead in the booklet we r...
  4. alez

    How was your school day?

    today was pretty average. english we watched othello and got told to stop laughing cuz its a tragedy. ext maths - continued our war against the french class that have taken over the room (there are french posters everywhere and its warping our minds. we put up formulae and maths cartoons and...
  5. alez

    Physics Olympiad!

    im going in all 3 and they say the best way to study for it is to study past exams. they choose top 3 in state for each subject. which i think is crap cuz nsw kicks ass they should do it nationally then i'd have more of a chance. ive just got prelim textbooks and im gunna read thru those cuz at...
  6. alez

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    lol my friend liked this guy for like ever and everyone in the year knew cept him. i told her to just ask him out or get over it cuz i was sick of hearing her talk about him all day long. she didnt and then she liked this other guy. asked him to dance at our social and got rejected. and asked...
  7. alez


    didnt go too bad i guess. was suprised at eng tho didnt expect to pass that. beat this girl that used to be my friend who i now hate in all subjects so that was awesome as.
  8. alez

    youth science forum

    hey who is going to the national youth science forum? i got the note thing for it and i dont really know what its about or what you do? anyone been? is it good?
  9. alez

    help with combinationss

    lol i did those exact questions. anyway ok question 8 u have to work out whether its 1,2 or 3 aces separately. 1 ace - 4C1 X 48C2 =4512 2 ACE - 4C2 X 48C1 = 288 3 ACE - 4C3 = 4 total = 4804 u cant just go 4C1 cuz u have to work out how many u can. 4C1 is just one set of possibilities. it...
  10. alez

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    no time for love in this world. i cant stand people who act like soemthing theyr not. one of my friends is ott nice to everyone cuz she wants to appear as the nicest person and wants to be freinds with everyone she can. everyone gets so pissed with the act. i hate ppl who think they r too good...
  11. alez

    What I am doing/wearing today

    going to dinner black skinny legs green shirt black long cardi black heel boots (fuck me boots)
  12. alez

    alone issues

    why are you so afraid to be alone? its not like you're deserted your just not in a relationship, but you still have friends and family, so you're not "alone" alone. anyway i think you should just try to be more friendly with ppl you dont know as well, and you will start to open up more.
  13. alez

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I think they should be able to do what they want. anyone watch comedy gala the other day? anyway one of the comedians was saying that yeah it says u cant be gay in the bible, but a lot of things in the bible really dont apply to todays society. like slaves. anyway if they arent religious why...
  14. alez

    Stuck without teachers

    i dont wanna get a tutor mainly cuz we dont have the money right now (and my parents wont go for it) and i dont really have the time. any suggestions for textbooks?
  15. alez

    Help with finding Text on "changing Perspective"

    american history x? more on prejudice i know but it does have elements of changing perspective (they see the error of their ways, realise prejudice is wrong etc)
  16. alez

    What did you achieve these holidays?

    Well i intended to do 2 assignments and i still havent started. due next week. and im away all day sat so i should be doing that today instead of this. oops
  17. alez

    How Not To Relieve Stress

    ok that made me laugh. prob not so funny for the guy without a penis tho.
  18. alez

    Stuck without teachers

    Ok well im kinda left without a chemistry or physics teacher atm. What happened was my chemistry teacher got a job as science head teacher at another school. so my physics teacher was gunna take over chem class. but then he also got job as sci head teacher at another school. so atm i have no...
  19. alez

    What have you eaten today?

    so far, nothing. i hate breakfast. but i think we still have some leftover carbonara in the fridge (my boss makes the best carbonara i always get him to make me some if im hungry after work) damn now im gunna have to go eat it
  20. alez

    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    me and nikki. just cut out of group pic - only one i had. social was pretty crap tho.