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  1. ssssonicyouth

    Question on essay length

    lol.. i wouldn't worry if i were any of you.. cause today i practiced on the board of studies paper for 2 hours and got 37 pages.. it's sooo spaced. and i normally write about what u guys do on a4 especially if u get a question which asks you to do a radio transcript- you can put in a...
  2. ssssonicyouth

    possible questions for BNW/BR

    really ?? apologies to the board of studies then.. :p the thing i noticed about that response was that the writing was soooo nice... my messy writing makes me look stupid regardless of the content of my essay, and it's a bastard cause it'll hurt me with impression markers
  3. ssssonicyouth

    what marks did people get in the CSSA?

    except the person who writes by hand has a billion pages and the person who types can only do a couple of pages:) typing is smaller than my handwriting at the best of times... in exams it'd be heaps and heaps
  4. ssssonicyouth

    Question on essay length

    yep... only 20 line per hsc page.. i do my practice essays on em... one of my teachers say that to fulfill the 'extensive ability to compose a sustained response' style criteria, u need to write around 8+ BOS pages *at least* if u miss that criteria then u don't get a band six if u...
  5. ssssonicyouth

    Module B: John Donne

    point being u need to know critical interpretations and apply them to your argument in the essay? for instance you could take samuel johnson's line of argument that donne's style has too much focus on trying to be intellectual so u need to closely study the text *and* do critical readings
  6. ssssonicyouth

    possible questions for BNW/BR

    the marking is soooo unpredictable though if u look at the exemplar for 2002, it doesn't really get into techniques at all, but received 20/20 from two markers? if i do an essay that omits techniques at my school, the teacher will give me a mark barely over 50% and say 'everything's...
  7. ssssonicyouth

    what marks did people get in the CSSA?

    1250 can go for 10-14 pages u peasant!!! although noone at waverley seems to know how to stretch it that long :rolleyes:
  8. ssssonicyouth

    what marks did people get in the CSSA?

    i don't mind - his strange special provision thingy will be pushing my marks up :p don't happen to be a disgruntled person from the class who's ranked below iwan, do you?