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  1. Tenax Propositi

    that 'summer rain' song

    I love the remix!! It sounds very much like the song, which is great anyway, so it's nothing really different to me. I love 80s music too! Except there's this really crap crap crap song on nova nowadays called 'four to the floor' or something and it gives me the shits because it has that...
  2. Tenax Propositi

    Online Relationships Thread

    I've identified the sad part of this situation:
  3. Tenax Propositi

    is anyone from 1st yr planning on transferring?

    No lexi, even medicine isn't above scandal. GPs often recommend medicines by major companies who sponsor information evenings which push their products and offer incentives for GPs to do likewise. There often could be an alternative brand for a lesser price or just by another company which...
  4. Tenax Propositi

    Semester 1 Results - CIE, CC1, PCA (Essays) and Professional subject.

    The long awaited essays for CIE and PCA arrived in my mail today. Did everyone else get theirs? How did you go? Based on the marking schema, which my tutor said roughly indicates what grade you would have gotten, my essay grades were CIE - C+ or D (i'm not sure! but what a rush job)...
  5. Tenax Propositi

    is anyone from 1st yr planning on transferring?

    umm there is such a thing as PR and advertising for NGOs. And anyway, you'd be hard pressed to find a profession that didn't involve manipulation of the truth, e.g. despite this wonderful notion of freedom of the press, journalists are simply toeing the line of the owners and sponsors of the...
  6. Tenax Propositi

    asian studies

    Are you Indian smegger? What inspired your interest in India?
  7. Tenax Propositi

    Songs you'd rather not admit you like...

    LOL thanx eLmo ;)
  8. Tenax Propositi

    Best uni for economics?

    I'd say UNSW would be the best for B.Ec.
  9. Tenax Propositi


    I'm apologising in advance Beaky, do u mind if u share ur puss with me? He's so cool!!
  10. Tenax Propositi

    Songs you'd rather not admit you like...

    This may break all lameness records on this thread.... but I admit it, I really like "Under Southern Skies" - the song Nikki Webster sang at the Olympics... it just gives me happy memories about the Olympics (bcos i got to see the opening ceremony full dress rehearsal the night before it was...
  11. Tenax Propositi

    How Long?

    My tutor said PCA should be around the 25th, because that's when the deadline they were given was.
  12. Tenax Propositi

    Songs you'd rather not admit you like...

    spice girls - 2 become 1 Aladdin - a whole new world but aladdin rocks, so...
  13. Tenax Propositi

    Interracial relationships

    ur sense of humour is so bizarre... but meh, that was funny :p
  14. Tenax Propositi


    Let's not forget the importance of PR to all those high profile companies and people. :)
  15. Tenax Propositi

    International business

    I don't study B.Bus, but a friend that is in 2nd yr who does and was planning to double major in Marketing and International Bus. has changed his mind about the Int. Bus. He did a few subjects and said it was prety bland despite the very exciting description of it in the course guide...
  16. Tenax Propositi

    Pub. comm/law personal qualities

    that's what I thought too.
  17. Tenax Propositi


    Important = subjective comment Interesting = relative to each individual
  18. Tenax Propositi

    Media and Communications - The Verdict?

    Of course the decision is important. However, there is a fine line between querying and making unqualified statements. NB: This is not solely targeted at you but is based on the way in which many students have expressed their 'queries' about universities across several threads recently.
  19. Tenax Propositi

    Media and Communications - The Verdict?

    Wow, is it just me or is the next group of yr 12 students (if this perception business is true) very prejudiced about universities? I mean, I know our group was initially influenced by perceptions but not to this extent. To think... quite a lot of them won't even get into a uni course of...
  20. Tenax Propositi

    communications: UTS vs. UNSW

    I agree. Whilst patriotism is good when it is justified, give each course the credit and criticism it deserves without the blindfolds of uni prestige and all that crap people seem to perpetuate.