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  1. Sweets

    Powerplay - Related Texts

    I find articles and political cartoons are good to use because they are so current, it shows that your engaging with your work. Plus there is much less to analyse so its easier in that respect.
  2. Sweets

    Assessment marks - next week - q's

    You are allowed to get your rank, just not your final assessment score. Well thats what our teachers said anyway.
  3. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    I think JC and Sveta (last years womens champ) , should take Andy out for a Birthday drink and lament together.
  4. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    Ohh poor Andy, he looked like he was going to cry in the press conference. I feel bad for him now.
  5. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    He actually said that, himself. Come back when you know how to do something other then serve. I'm not being mean, I actually realy like Andy, he is really nice. I'm just not a fan of his game and I'm sick of people even considering he can beat Fed.
  6. Sweets

    Muslim headscarves

    Irshad Manji is not a valid source. I mean she is I suppose if you consider the opinions of literate people who consistantly re-use the same idea over and over. "The problem with Islamic thought," Irshad Manji argues, "is that it's constantly reproducing the same paradigms. We keep hearing...
  7. Sweets

    Shattered Brogden's suicide bid

    Poor John, he really can't do anything right. He couldn't even kill himself properly.
  8. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    Andy 'I am a loser', yes you are indeed. He lost to Muller 76 76 76 Juan lost too, but, everyone knows he is a loser!!! (even though I know he is saving himself for 2005) Roddick is not a top 5 player and most deffinetly a one slam wonder.
  9. Sweets

    Class of 05 Post up your trial results

    I don't get how peoples internals get scaled? Maybe i'm just missing something.
  10. Sweets

    Mistakes in Major Work

    I found a mistake in mine today :( :(
  11. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    You captured exactly what I love about the tennis!! You're right about the cost though, I'm already broke, but its worth it. Your a Lindsay fan? Its tough being a Lindsay fan, esp at Wimbledon this year. I'm hoping for a Kim vs Lindsay final. I will probably die watching it, but be pleased...
  12. Sweets

    Teacher Cheating - Unwarranted Extra Marks Given to Student

    Yes, and you obviously have a very strong grasp of the english language.
  13. Sweets

    Grey's Anatomy

    me too!! I was glad, since i missed last weeks episode.
  14. Sweets

    Class of 05 Post up your trial results

    No I wasn't saying it was shit, i didn't mean to be one of those poor me i ONLY got this mark. I was just dissapointed overall and wish i had studied more.
  15. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    I'm going with three of my friends, i'm soooo excited. I come back from overseas on th 13th, and then im going on that weekend to Melbourne.
  16. Sweets

    Class of 05 Post up your trial results

    I'm pretty dissapointed with my marks, perphaps it will teach me to actual study, not my lame little night before attempted studying. Anyway here are my marks English Adv- 94% rank- 1/162 (final rank- 1/162)- thank god you don't have to actually study for english English Ext- 98%- rank-...
  17. Sweets

    Drop out?

    No way! Just do the HSC exams! Thats all there is to go, you really might suprise yourself. Persoanlly, i wouldn't. I know i could do no study and scourge about 85-90, based on my internals.
  18. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    Marat withdrew :( I heard he was limping and in obvious pain when practicing so i know its for the best, i'd rather him take time out now, then ruin his whole 2006.
  19. Sweets

    Post-EE2 plans?

    My EE2 work didn't really inhibit me from doing anything i wanted. I feel bad, everyone made all these sacrifices. I'm like the mother who neglects her child....hahaha (and now i'm laughing about it, i seriously am fucked). But, now I really am going to seriously study, something which I...
  20. Sweets

    BOS Showcase: 2005 Major Works

    I loved your work. Inititally I was a bit hesistant because it was about death, and death is such a hard issue to write about without being trite, but you were poignant and really pithily dispalyed the reactions of all the characters. What I thought really distinguished you from other scripts...