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  1. $a®e

    Le Tigre

    im not a fan; but @ bdo Gold Coast Le Tigra were going off!!!
  2. $a®e

    Metal and Rock clubs

    if you lived on the gold coast u could check out "the party" in surfers paradise its a pretty sweet metal if ur ever in the area...:P lol
  3. $a®e

    The Metal Thread.

    oh yeh thats a top album indeed, but id have to say my all time fave would be Chimaira- Darkness Inside or Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos
  4. $a®e

    Chicks and music

    i am a fan of mainstream (nu-metal) bands and underground death metal.. i have to say however, i prefer death over nu any day:)
  5. $a®e

    Chicks and music

    people should not be judged by their taste in music, and in this case just because people like METAL does not CLASSIFY them as the stereotypical omg they are goth or they are weird.... metalheads are normal people!! so stop being so judgemental, it shits me how people think they know wat...
  6. $a®e

    What do girls think of facial hair?

    i love goaties....they arent all easily pulled off by all who have them...but those who do pull them off omg hottness;)
  7. $a®e


    well there is only me and another girl in my ipt class:P....and there is 5 guyz....