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  1. Seraph

    so 1 day left

    I am goign to study the whole yaer 11 and 12 SDD course again after the Exam just for the fun of it , in my spare time..... and possibly at schoolies too...
  2. Seraph

    SDD Forum

    I made a prediction throughout the year that my taecher would miss out exactly half the topics in the syllabus i stuck by this so much that i taught the topics to myself I was the benefitor in the end, AS THESE TOPICS WERE NEVER TAUGHT TO US BLA!!!
  3. Seraph

    SDD "Last Minute" Questions

    17 9 12 18 2 6 14 take a look at these nubmers , after 2 passess of an ascending insertion sort apaprently the array appears 2 9 12 14 6 17 18 why is this so? i know how these work , im just nto seeing it here? DISREGARD THIS POST AS I WAS LOOKING AT...
  4. Seraph

    ah...desk checking anyone....???

    yea but in reality everyone uses desk checking by puttign the names of variables in a table and usign the necessary test data to update the value of variables..
  5. Seraph

    Hypertext and Hyperlinks...

    i think hypertext is talking about the system which allows documetns to be crosslinked whether it be by text , video , audio wahtever but hyperlinks are talking about the actual highlighted item to move to another document
  6. Seraph

    Schema and Schematic Diagram

    lol i posted this a while ago yea thats how i think of it now as well , the schematic diagram aka ERD is used very frequently when they ask us to NORMALISE
  7. Seraph

    so 1 day left

    many thanks , that is brilliant
  8. Seraph

    so 1 day left

    u mean sleep in and wake up in the afternoon (lol wtf lazy ... :P)? or have a sleep in the afternoon? personally i wouldnt...... you might wake up all bodgy and lethargic BTW I have a question lol :D since ppl are asking questions here , ive never actually had to do this in an algorithm...
  9. Seraph

    so 1 day left

    You add four one's you get an overflow which doesnt matter remmeber this is multiplication not 2's complement, in 2's complement you've got to destroy the overflow (heh i made this mistake in my trial .. cutting off the 1 at the end... stoopid) think of it like a normal long multiplication...
  10. Seraph

    Hsc 2002 Q. 25 C

    Just a query you would have to convert the binary to decimal in your algorithm to determine the direction in the excel book i've noticed to do such matters all they do is Variable = Read 8 bits and Convert to Decimal lmao :D , which i guess is great if this is acceptable but i...
  11. Seraph

    Should I do something about this...

    argh prosecution = scary i clicked cancel
  12. Seraph

    Interracial relationships

    wtf lol , i got the exact same message on an SMS only it says "am i a gook" at the end , yea its pretty slack! btw , your bus driver sent you this??? Wow , what a jackass... sucks when so called "mature" ppl say shit like that....
  13. Seraph

    Exam responses...

    yep thanks alot mate and yea lama is spelled like that lama and looking at the std package section of this site i could not find any SDD std packages :P
  14. Seraph


    like with the components i mean think about it , using these you dont have to write alot of the low level code .... so its kind of automated... and what about the About Forms :D look at all teh coding that has been automatically generated for you there
  15. Seraph


    I reckon VB is a case Tool technically it allows analysis of the code and due to its various components and libraries it technically can "automatically generate sections of code" by definition it probably is a CASE tool
  16. Seraph

    public domain

    When you think about Public Domain think about it practically like all those abandonware games :D and my definition of it was that software in the public domain carries NO COPYRIGHT ...
  17. Seraph

    Binary Search Confusion

    ehh never the mind thanks anyway
  18. Seraph

    SDD Major Project Ideas

    PWNED 100%
  19. Seraph

    Exam responses...

    so basically im reading the Cd_header in the CD which is in the form of a record already into a record Cd_header, now this wording makes it seem like all im doing is reading the Cd_header from the file into a variable cd_header, just copyign the data , which seems very odd to me... and...
  20. Seraph

    WHY did you do MATHS in the FIRST PLACE?

    i vant to be like zehr regenbogen , smart , sexy and very robust... oh yea and good at maths