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  1. KrissiA

    Dropping a subject + units...

    Oh yeah, I'd love to keep doing it, but the major work is due in two weeks - at the same time as another major work - and worth 80% (I'm really far behind) and my Case Study teacher and I kind of.. Had a misunderstanding, lol. But I guess we'll see what happens (thoughts/opinions still...
  2. KrissiA

    Dropping a subject + units...

    For your HSC, did you do 10, 11 or 12 units? Which do you think is better? I'm currently on 11 units, and considering dropping Extension History because I'm feeling very snowed under at the moment (I have 3 major works)... That leaves me with only 10 units which means I have to do well in...
  3. KrissiA

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    I'd say Punch Drunk Love (Adam Sandler) and Constantine (Keanu Reaves) are up there...
  4. KrissiA

    One thing

    A sense of humour... Preferably similar to mine.
  5. KrissiA

    long distance relationships - do they work??

    Ryde and Blacktown? That's not long distance. I've been with my boyfriend for 5 months, and he's currently living 500km away. That's long distance. As for it working - I guess it depends on how much you trust and know each other. Trust is a really big factor. Depends also on how much you...
  6. KrissiA

    I Really Need Someones Help

    Like the others said, it's hard without seeing your story, but all I can suggest is to read through it a lot, and find out what's missing. Get others to read it and get their feedback - maybe there's something that doesn't make sense to them that you can elaborate on... You could always...
  7. KrissiA

    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    "Living. Dying. Somewhere..."
  8. KrissiA


    I'm not sure what order the parts of my story will go in, so I came up with these for the 'every 5th word' thing... Somewhere Like Purgatory. The Suspiciously Dashed Of Once. Mainstream Head Was For State And Reflection.
  9. KrissiA

    Schoolies 2006 Cruise 23rd Nov

    I'm going! There's a group of 8 of us from out in the country, lol.