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  1. R


    what was the distance to rigel. i had 236.6 parsecs
  2. R


    i put sirius coz the blueset star will appear dullest in red filter so using absolute magnitue column where all stars were taken as 10 parsecs away sirius had the highest magnitude hence the dullest hence the bluest.
  3. R

    Quanta to Quark

    The dotpoint in the syllabus realting to particle accelerators... isnt it just a "identify" how can tehy ask such a big question(7 marks)?
  4. R

    That gay multiple choice question

    why cant it be A. DC motors dat produces back emf which slows the rotor just like the wheel being slowed down in diagram
  5. R

    Quanta to Quarks

  6. R

    multiple choice

    so is the answer to 6 b c or d
  7. R

    Circular motion

    What was required for the car going around the roundaabout? and was the observer correct or wrong?
  8. R

    Estimated mark?

    u shouldn't worry bout dat too much. apparently if their is a big difference between the marks achieved at skool and the marks achieved in hsc den their performance in exams are disregarded and do not affect ur skool assessemtns
  9. R


    HEy was up guys i wanted to get something verified, i got abt high 80's to low ninties in my school assessments adn in teh test i got abt 75-80 wat position does this put me in?
  10. R

    Multiple Choice Answers

    what did everyone fink of chem hard, ezy, ok? i found that there was too much skill-based questions
  11. R

    POLL: What were your supervisor's like?

    Supervisor Stupidity they were stupid. they made us stop lik 90secs earlier so i didn't finish my conclusion poperly.