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  1. H

    2006 Subject Choices

    S1 ECMT1010 Business and Economics Statistics A ECON1001 Introductory Microeconomics ECOP1001 Economics as a Social Science GOVT1105 Geopolitics <-- thinking of changing this to Australian Politics S2 ECMT1020 Business and Economic Statistics B ECON1002 Introductory Macroeconomics...
  2. H

    B.Economics at USYD

    yeah i hope we get in too...good luck cimbon! Btw, i had a little peek at your prof and you did all the same subjects as me for the HSC...except for ext hist... Stazi, you're quick with replies - thanks for all you help
  3. H

    B.Economics at USYD

    damn, i shouldn't have changed my first pref to b eco at the last stupid of me.....and i'm also above the eco and social science cutoff....its times like these i want to turn back time thanks for the info!
  4. H

    B.Economics at USYD

    since there's already a thread created about b eco, might as well ask my questions here - sorry for intruding... is there a limit of majors we can do? Because i want to do political economy and international and government relations, as well as the core economics major - is that too much. Also...
  5. H

    BoS USyders 2006! (Roll Call)

    got into b economics... ...wishing that i hadn't changed eco and social sci to my second pref at the last minute...
  6. H

    Ur UAI and the desired Course!

    UAI: 92.05 desired course: B Eco and social sciences i'm hoping that the cutoff stays the same, decreases or if it decides to rise, only got up by (max) .95 ...
  7. H

    When are offers out?

    18th of January at 9pm .... i'm pretty sure EDIT: ^^ for main round
  8. H

    What UAI did you get?

    congrats to all those happy with thier results... i got 92.05 and i'm pretty happy as i expected and would be happy with a 78. And SAM wasn't way off, giving me a 92.75
  9. H

    Above or below expectation?

    they came out early...fully above expectations - i was screaming out profanities and my whole family crowded around me...
  10. H

    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    this wait is excrutiating - i don't if i'll be able to put in my student no and pin properly... 15 minutes!!
  11. H

    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    tried to stay awake, didn't work - slept for four hours and now i'm hungry, nervous and having memeories of all the screw-ups during exams....
  12. H

    Failure to indicate?

    oh crap - i don't think i indicated my elective either - oh story was bad enough...
  13. H

    SO how many pages did you do?

    yeah, i know who you are - as soon as you said 'official School Captain of 2005'... as a result of the adv english rumour my friend thought that everyone there today did construction...
  14. H

    SO how many pages did you do?

    well i don't know who exactly made them up, but the girl behind me told me that only 12 people at ehb do adv...i was a little skeptical...and i guess it was also because of the fact that both your standard + advanced classes were clumped together so we wondered where the advanced stopped and...
  15. H

    Individual in Society

    that's what i did too...i basically rambled about how my character's father could write so many well-received plays while she could not, while adding in some ways of thinking....gosh my story was superficial - i'm going to fail creative writing damn, i didn't notice a lot of things in the...
  16. H

    SO how many pages did you do?

    that's one more than us...rumours went round on the day of AOS that only 12 people from ehb did Adv english...
  17. H

    How did you find the EE1 HSC Paper?

    all i can say it that i'm its all over - there's so many things i wish i would've put in my essay and creative writing piece, but now it's over and i can't do anything about it. The essay question was okay, not too bad...the creative writing stimulus was vexing.
  18. H

    SO how many pages did you do?

    I didn't write enough (esp for creative) essay - 17.5 creative - 6 or 7 (i don't quite remember) zahid, i'm just wondering how many people in your school do ext?
  19. H

    Individual in Society

    the essay was okay - went a little overboard with my analysis of browning and didn't spend enough time on the related material... the creative writing was bad - my story involved rambling with superficial Victorian England ways of thinking and i couldn't even properly involve the picture....
  20. H

    who ran out of time?!

    i only wish i had more time to fix up my lame story. my handwriting was disgusting...i feel sorry for the person who's going to mark it. I don't get why people just walk out of the exam ...i wonder how they'd feel if someone told them they only got 1.5hrs instead of 2....