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  1. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    Ah ok thanks, Yeah I don't think I ever got it taught before, but yeah i probably should check my business studies notes, I probably no doubtly did it in business and forgot about it. EDIT : I think I found the difference Direct Discrimination...
  2. chris42

    Matrix Revolutions....

    Yes and No.. I think he doesn't, well not in the matrix at least.
  3. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    Thats ok, So do know what would be an example of indirect discrimination ?
  4. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    Thanks Winston, Is the main difference between direct and indirect discrimination, is the fact that direct discrimination results when a person doesn't get a job due to the fact they are a female, whereas indirect is the fact that the employer discrimiates, due to the fact that he believes a...
  5. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    And sorry I just remembered one more question. Question 18, was that indirect discrimination that happened to sally, and sally could take legal action, but what else could sally do to recify the situation ?
  6. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    Yeah, so the main idea is basically putting in as much detail as possible.
  7. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    Yeah exactly, It's only the extended responses i'm worried about, I didn't do too well with them in the trials, any tips for them ?
  8. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    Ah ok kewl, what I had again, :) I probably shouldn't be worried, I just never seen a question like that before, that's why I was a bit unsure about it.
  9. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    And just One more thing, what about 17 b iii).. I never heard of what you needed to include in a toolkit ? Thanx
  10. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    Cool, Thats what I got too :).. Full marks for me hopefully.
  11. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    Ok cool. did you get the answers to Question 16 a and b ? Also just a note, I thought warm boot was restarting a computer?
  12. chris42

    Definitions to key terms ?

    Thankyou :d
  13. chris42

    Format of different Documents for extended responses

    Ok Cool,
  14. chris42

    Format of different Documents for extended responses

    umm, yes it has in a trial exam I think
  15. chris42

    Countdown is on .......

    In business they put in the business and employment relations question instead of globalisation
  16. chris42

    Format of different Documents for extended responses

    Ok I got an example of an action plan. Is this what were looking for making in the exam winston ?
  17. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    Just the multiple choice questions thanks winston :)
  18. chris42

    simple excel question

    Yeah, the Pivot tables were out to trick you, because I got the same question for my trial, and I was thinking, what the ?? It's just amount of anaylsing the question for the keywords.
  19. chris42

    Answers to IT Catholic Paper 2003?

    Hey, Does anyone have answers or marking guidelines to the 2003 catholic paper? Thanks Chris
  20. chris42

    Definitions to key terms ?

    Thanks, Andrew Blackwel, Your website is really helpful too :)