ok i think its me then. i went library it worked fine been happening for like 2 weeks. the prob is i can sign in but nothing loads up the screen is blank and the bottom says its done. can any1 help??
thats true. wonder if guy will be successful though. look at the winners from popstars all unsuccessful or group broke up - scott cain, bardot, scandal'us.. cant think of anymore. well ppl must like guy since his single was sold a lot in 1 week
nah u weren't. pip day is ppl just talk about their pips that haf won awards i think and just tell u to start realli early. plus u get a few handouts about how to set ur pip out and advice about the intro, log, conclusion etc. it really didnt benefit me and find it pointless.
hey, i was wondering if anyone got high marks for these topics in their exams and are willing to post their essay? focusing on buddhism for belief systems and any group for equality & difference. thanks heaps