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  1. T

    Op Shop Clothing

    Why do you think they're called stunk suits?
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    The subway here in Armidale is open till late on saturdays for those going to the pub.
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    Uni Workload

    If you want to do well, 10 hours per week per unit is recommended, that's usually 40 hours a week, including class. I have found less than 5 does pretty well. First year is pretty easy from what I've experienced so far.
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    I'm pretty sure if you apply for SRAS you will get it, unless you fail every single one of your HSC subjects. If you intend on transfering then still apply. Which un do you want to transfer too? From what I've been told it's hard to transfer to other unis after doing Arts/Law at UNE.
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    laptop V pad

    Just adding to lawgrad1's comment on tape recorders, the Law Faculty are now beginning to tape all lectures and they get put on the WebCT for later use by students, ie. any time you want t listen to them. You can even save the lectures to your computer. You can also get the power point displays...
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    laptop V pad

    I do Art/Law and no one uses laptops. Usually the lecturers speak to fast and sometimes do diagrams which take to long to do on computer. What I usually do is write my notes in class on pen and paper then write then up on my laptop back at college. Also, the tables things you have on your...
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    Off the top of my head, the other main two unis which have it are Charles Sturt and Southern Cross, but Charles Sturt don't offer law. With early entry, you also get peace of mind in that you have gotten in long beofre anyine else finds out. I found out on the 8th of December and most of my...
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    pizza delivery

    Most Coles supermarkets are open 24 hours.
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    Lust apply for a B. Arts/LLB through early entry. You'll get in...unless you fail every schol subject and your principal hates you.
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    port macquarie 2006

    Have fun getting arrested.
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    Laptop speakers

    Maybe you just need a new sound card.
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    How to NOT pick up...:/

    They're alive. Just locked up in the old guys basement.
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    St Albert's

    Yeah...I'd say the majority at my college, EPC, are B.Ed students.
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    Anyone doing PSYC 101?

    Thankfully my tutes don't strt till next week.
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    Armidale is pretty cool. Most of the people are nice, however, like most towns, you have the rude ones. Town would be a 30 minute walk away, but there is a regular bus trip every 30 minutes or so. I spent most of my life living in Sydney (although the latter half in Port Mac) and love it...
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    Whats it like?

    You can certainly do more than 24 cp (credit points) per semester though. 24 is the usual, but lots of people I know are doing 30 or even 36, which will get you through the course much faster. I do 4 units, which makes my class time 12 hours per week.
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    Duval College

    We had thunderstruck every morning during O-Week...followed by Bon Jovi...then our JCR affiliate coming and banging on our room door until we got up to go for a run or aerobics. Even though we have had heaps of crap, it was so fun and I would never give it up!!!
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    Anyone doing PSYC 101?

    I'm doing PSYC 101 and I got lab 2, also Monday from 9-11, of course on alternative weeks though.
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    how young is 2 young??

    Man, as an 18 year old I say 15 is the youngest. 13 is just to young.