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  1. Darrow

    Telling The Truth Related..

    I actually used the bible in year teacher wasnt happy Though....I do need a new related text for truth But then what would I do? Argue against it? Oh and I chose this dp because I hadnt seen anyone with it
  2. Darrow

    Telling The Truth Related..

    I wanted to use Blade runner My teacher said she would castrate my marks Well to be specific it was "lose 20%" But hey supposedly you can
  3. Darrow

    Animal Farm.

    Wow That is so horrible Im using both Animal Farm and The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock As if people studied Animal Farm and where did TS Eliot come into it?
  4. Darrow

    Beijing Olympics 2008 Discussion Thread

    I cant believe someone was actually able to record that I mean.. its the Chinese, they dont let people do that!
  5. Darrow

    Help needed on superannuation question

    Do you mean: 500( 1.09^10) +500(1.09^8) ......+500(1.09^2) +500 = 4818.35 Thats what I did to get your answer
  6. Darrow

    disadvantage of quarantine

    Now thats what I call lateral thinking Though I think the markers may crucify you for that
  7. Darrow

    I got 0 in my ext test

    They have taken a lot of the maths out of it, so its more conceptual But omg, the questions they can ask are heinous, its horrible! In year 11 phys and chem were easy. I mean... phys was like communication? and then like cosmic engine? And chemistry was ... moles! Mx1 was horrible in year 11...
  8. Darrow

    2007 HSC Rankings - EVERY SCHOOL LISTED.

    Believe it or not, stereotypes do start for a reason More Private schools do better then public schools (true there is a socio economic factor...oh wait, that relates to money) Asians typically go Very well, have a look at the names of the people who come first in subjects in the state Oh...
  9. Darrow

    ethanol as an alternative fuel need sources

    1) Brazil is actually using 100% blends to my knowledge, its an example of how ethanol has the potential to be used as an alternative to petrol But due to their ethanol production they have a grain shortage, which has effected the world market... dont quote me on that though 2) Again, it is a...
  10. Darrow


    aha, Our school just got one, and our chem teacher (who happens to be the head of science) was all excited.
  11. Darrow

    Titration Comp 21st June

    Yeah Undermyskin My teacher just wouldnt let us enter SIGH
  12. Darrow

    Eye Modelling

    Um, to model? Grab yourself a bull eye :D Thats a pretty decent model
  13. Darrow

    english hate

    lol, You so win But remember, when studying Harwood, its best to undergo a personal journey of discovery within the poem. /sigh :devil: edit: Oh Aplus, You dont know our year 12 pain
  14. Darrow

    Identifying substances

    Seriously, the flame tests are so dodgy The only one that partially worked for me was Cu2+.. but that was still faint But I have a prac test on this...tuesday. Have you tried Sodium Hydroxide for the Fe (III) Ions...Fe2(SO4)3 supposed to be soluble in water? Not so sure on the Fe (II) though..
  15. Darrow

    accuracy in sulfate % fertiliser prac

    Omg, Hello York! Anycase, Sintered glass filters or Ashless filter paper, which you burn out in the crucible Both work
  16. Darrow

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    Ok, If one looks at the English coarse and compares it to the General Mathematics coarse: It is obvious that General maths is (to me) far more practical in our society. Where would we have to analyze a text with reference to to themes, techniques and a minimum of 2 related texts? I think the...
  17. Darrow

    Physical Geo. Apps.

    Ohh, so its the velocity you integrate, just got a question like this as a part of my homework Thanks! Makes sense: Velocity is the rate of change of x, so by integrating with limits 0,4 we are saying how far its gone, just like finding the area of something Cough...I knwo what Im talking...
  18. Darrow

    Studying for Maths

    I dont think that would work, because a lot of the 3u work ties in directly to the 2u work so you would have to relearn the 2u work the year after to do the 3u work
  19. Darrow


    Be good, use a heating mantle!