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  1. White Rabbit

    I predict a riot

    Why I'm not planning on studying business, I won't be attending Uni within Sydney..prefering to be as far away as possible. Perhaps QUT or UWA.
  2. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    I'm not putting them on a pedestol - HOWEVER the Bra Boys are showing more maturity and willingness to protect their area - even if they see it only as their territory.
  3. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Maybe the Bra Boys have a little more common sense than the rest of the people in this. Maybe they actually give a shit about where they live and want to protect it from this shit. Although, I do find it hard to believe that there was no retaliation at all..
  4. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Give em a few weeks ;) Not looking forward to Sunday. Think I might go to New Zealand or something.
  5. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    LOL, sorry mate just seeing if we had any links is all.
  6. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    ^^ True that. Where did Eastern Europeans come into it anyway?
  7. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    I've never once justified their actions. I've said both behaved terribly, but pointed out this shit has been going on for years.
  8. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Where'd you get that info from?
  9. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Damn straight. And Jordon, I'm not bull shitting, go have a look at your posts to see your clear bias against aussies.
  10. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Yes, however seeing as how you had already condemed every australian, I didn't feel the need to address that side. Our cultures are far too different to just throw everyone together and expect harmony. Also, some respect for Australia as a country couldn't go astray in addressing said issues.
  11. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    That there is real racial tension that needs addressing. That you can not bury your head in the sand and say that gang warfare has nothing to do with race. Baseline Australian laws and culture conflicts with the baseline beliefs and values of many Lebanese youths and the tension it is causing...
  12. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    How about you stop being a PC pedantic arse. Want to know why it escelated so far? Because morons stand back and in their PC goodness refuse to ackowledge the problem and spend 5 years debating names rather than addressing the real problem.
  13. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    By every single person in Nulla? Or just one or two smart arses who have as much combined brains as a turnip? I'm not syaing there aren't fuckwits in the Shire - every area has it's morons, but by and large, the Shire isn't too bad. They hardly stand at the Bridge and turn back anyone without...
  14. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    As I understand it, they retaliated, they didn't start it.
  15. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Why? It is just the Lebs. I'm not saying all Middle Eastern, as I've never had a problem with a Bahrainian, Jordanian, Iraqi, Afgani etc.
  16. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Last time I went to Carols in the Park at Nulla, I saw plently of Asian looking people. So I fail to see why it would have been different this time, seeing as how, as I've stated before - it was neo-nazis who turned it into a racist riot.
  17. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Excuse me? Provoked how - by defending himself when a group verbally abused a volunteer who was giving up his weekend to keep the beach safe? True, yes. He DEFINATLY provoked him.
  18. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    You are both bloody morons - THIS WAS NOT A PLANNED 'DAY OF HATE' as you would have everyone believe. Neo Nazis from all over Sydney (and further north I hear) to advantage of what was suppose to be a family day, a day for the lifesavers. Furthermore, have you actually seen these messages...
  19. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    It didn't start off as a white supremist rally. It started off as a good, family day - anyone who knows the Shire knows these are organised reguarlly and Cronulla park is a favorite location. Neo-Nazis turned out and turned it into one.
  20. White Rabbit

    Cronulla Beach Incident

    If they feel that their home is Britain rather than Australia then yes, we should. Also, english couperparts? I'd love to see you call a Irishman in Belfast he's nothing more than an 'English Counterpart'. Bogan jocks are good for nothing if not a laugh ;)