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  1. A

    Insufficient UAI

    Harsh reality check struck me today, that I have about 10% chance of getting the uai i need, for one of my preferred courses (the course needing the lowest uai). :( *sigh* I dont think many would have the same problems i have now, as you're all smart (on bos) :(
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    Insufficient UAI

    What are you going to do if you do not get the UAI ncessary for your course next year? actually, what are all the possible options available? :(
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    World Idol

    It says that it's going to be one show shown over the new year, with the results being announeced the week after its screened. Don't quote for accuracy, though.,...
  4. A

    School type ?

    Other'' SPORTS school (westfields) :p
  5. A

    Students online

    Exactly the same with me :D I thought the ranks on my report were final final. :p
  6. A

    Students online

    OOoooh woohoo! :D Thanks...
  7. A

    Students online

    Mine are for the better. :p actually, question: are THESE the ranks used to determine which mark we correspond to?
  8. A

    Section I (Multiple Choice)

    5 is a because it austomatically updates. D wouldn't do it
  9. A

    Section I (Multiple Choice)

    I jus dont know 3 , 6 , 11 , 12
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    AHHHHHHHHH! shit ! noooooooooo! what the heck? the questions were way too hard.. ! energy of a fish... the pulley...alpha repayments... blargh.
  11. A

    lol who is stuffed with me?????

    i try to write something on the paper... bs myself a mark or two here and there..
  12. A

    Success One's solution incorrect?

    can either of you please post what you do to get the answer? :confused: cos i really have nfi :p :D lol
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    Aria's 2003

    omg... there's something about nikki that i just HATE!
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    ...Lord Of The Rings...

    I am not gandalf the grey, for i am gandalf the white :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  15. A

    How crap is Australian Idol??

    I have to admit though that Millsy did a better job on "If I Could Turn Back the Hands of Time" than R Kelly himself...
  16. A

    Time Payments Question.

    hi, another time payment question... could someone please do Q10 b) ii) for me? i keep getting a different answer. :(
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    Aria's 2003

    shouldn't really bag out delta - she wasn't the one to says "give me! give me! i have cancer! muahahaha!"... it's the people who decide whom to give the awards out to (well, the non-statistic related ones). delta might be feeling a pang of regret too ie. wanting to be treated like everyone...
  18. A


    look...! - inde paper (A) A lockout OVERT (B) A work-to-rules campaign COVERT (C) A strike OVERT (D) The sabotage of the production process OVERT - online test (A) Abesenteeism COVERT (B) Sabotage OVERT (C) turnover COVERT (D) WTR COVERT - that's that! lol! this could...
  19. A

    exemplar response needed!

    a couple of the ones from english aos changing perspectives don't work either :(