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  1. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    wow. why would the Ruse principal tell a student all that anyway?
  2. fallenstar

    Results countdown

    We just hit the 30-hour mark! ...See title. Haha. I just wanted to create a thread.
  3. fallenstar

    state rannkings on 16th

    It depends on your school, the intentions and experience of your teachers, your preparation, and many other elements...
  4. fallenstar

    what if you don't get UAI you wanted?

    'bit different' in terms of raw band cutoffs? or content? also- you don't mean the 2009 HSC English exam do you?
  5. fallenstar

    state rannkings on 16th

    what course are you hoping to get into? UAI you need?
  6. fallenstar

    are most ppl gonna check results at approx 6am??

    huh? I don't understand...? yeah I am probably pulling an all-nighter; if not, I'll set my alarm to like 4:30am or something. You?
  7. fallenstar


    I lack mathematical logic...Don't make this more embarrassing than it is, haha :o I'm content with being a history/literacy freak.
  8. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    totally forgot, hah 1 day 7 hrs 28 mins EDIT: or, alternatively, 31 hrs 28 mins.
  9. fallenstar

    what if you don't get UAI you wanted?

    Do you mean the major syllabus overhaul for 09? I don't remember hearing anything about a 'new board writing HSC tests'.
  10. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    Does the BOS notify schools of their ranking before the newspapers publish them? I wonder if it comes with the HSC results received by schools on Wednesday. and fucking lol if Ruse doesn't top. though highly unlikely. (I almost wish they don't top just so that principal looks like a presumptive...
  11. fallenstar

    what if you don't get UAI you wanted?

    I know, but we have also had someone say that his HSC-marker teacher said 87/105 is the general cutoff for 90. and in another thread someone said their teacher, also a HSC marker, said 89/105. So effectively an 11-mark jump from 78.
  12. fallenstar

    are most ppl gonna check results at approx 6am??

    well not entirely. rankings don't magically make your external exam marks brilliant or anything. they only affect your internal marks.
  13. fallenstar


    wow, that's crazy! here we are whinging about waiting another day and 7 hrs (and a few minutes, but I can't be effed to check) yet you have ages longer...Good luck to you too :)
  14. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    I agree. Would have been a bit more gracious to wait until the list is released.
  15. fallenstar

    Results countdown

    Wow (at the live timer). but I don't want to look obsessed hahah, I'm content with my widget on my Mac dashboard
  16. fallenstar

    whats the first thing u'll do after you...

    lol, what? you get that big a reward for the hsc/results?
  17. fallenstar

    Results countdown

    I think it's really funny, albeit a bit mean. :p
  18. fallenstar

    what if you don't get UAI you wanted?

    Yeah, if only we could have some consensus regarding the the approximate raw band cutoff... We've had 77%, 82/105 and 87/105. Big jumps...
  19. fallenstar

    What YOU put into YOUR HSC

    wow. I go to a Catholic school which used to be pretty amazing in terms of HSC results, but has declined somewhat over the past 2 years. Our principal teaches younger students that "The HSC begins in Year 7", to really drill the fear and workload into them, haha. Hardly anyone takes it...