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  1. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    yeah, thanks. it's just that i have become close friends with one of my teachers and would love to see her proud in person, corny but meh. man the paper on thursday will be massive; i remember last year's was so heavy and it took me AGES to find one of my best friends' results.
  2. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    yeah, give it a go. you should be invited anyway- you did after all do 3 units of the hsc yes, we're all aware of that :p hahahah
  3. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    damn :( do you have your maths teachers' numbers?
  4. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    i don't have my teachers' school is big on teacher-student boundaries hahah
  5. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    yes indeedy :D i reeeally want to make my modern, extension and society teachers proud. we got tenth in the state for extension in 2005 but nothing since then. none EVER for society and modern 1st in the state once but that was ages ago. so would love to make them happy :)
  6. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    i care! lol. i want to go inform my teachers before they all go on christmas vacation that I got state ranks! cmonnnn 12pm...
  7. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    97 attained a Modern History state rank last year.
  8. fallenstar

    what if you don't get UAI you wanted?

    you're so lucky you get two results this year and no uai until next year :p we have an effload to worry about
  9. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    What time wednesday do you think ranks will be released? I've heard 12pm and 4pm. I reeeally want 12 because my teachers finish at 3:30pm (last day of school) and I want to go in and tell them. Otherwise I'll have to wait until I see them at the Academic Ceremony :(
  10. fallenstar

    what if you don't get UAI you wanted?

    I will cry and cry because it's my dream course at my dream uni. Ugh I don't even want to think about NOT getting it; I have felt quietly confident these past weeks that I will get it.
  11. fallenstar

    What YOU put into YOUR HSC

    It's achievable by anyone. Anyone who says they put in 100% for the whole year, every day, and says they didn't burn out is obviously lying to themselves.
  12. fallenstar

    Results countdown

    Neither, Einstein owns. what's the countdown now, dp? :p
  13. fallenstar

    State Rankings

    Calls on Monday? Wouldn't that just be for the people who couldn't be contacted on the Friday/Saturday because they didn't pick up or something? Plus maybe two years ago the ceremony was set at a later date.
  14. fallenstar

    Have you forgotten almost everything you learnt in your hsc year?

    I haven't forgotten my Advanced English, Modern, History Extension or Society at all. the others yes, but they aren't important anyway.
  15. fallenstar

    Results countdown

    thanks dp but it trying to convert doesn't work for me- can you email the excel file to my hotmail? (i'll pm)
  16. fallenstar

    bored of studies members

    a very difficult language, haha. i accept that i will never, ever be fluent.
  17. fallenstar

    bored of studies members

    that gave me a headache and all i read were the first two lines of the equation.
  18. fallenstar

    IPT Scaling

    yes, unfortunately. I went into hospital in year 11 for three months and was going to pick up 4U english in year 12, but my treatment team said no because of the extra major work. So i had to drop Ext 1 English and keep IPT. Now my UAI hinges on a capped subject as all my others scale really well.
  19. fallenstar

    bored of studies members

    yeah, I totally agree. I definitely care about my hsc more than most and that's why Im here. I believe the majority of the active 08ers will get great results, as opposed to a mere few just posting their results or inflating their marks. While it can be argued that there are thousands of 08ers...
  20. fallenstar

    IPT Scaling

    IPT is a piece of faeces and I wish I had never taken it. Not just because it's a capped subject but because it's effing boring. Waste of my time. Wish I took a language instead.