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  1. R

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    "I didnt have enough time for the test, lucky the supervisor gave us extra time for some reason "i felt sorry for you"" wat is this??? hour?? OMFG, that was easily the hardest test in the last 10years of ext1. (yes espesh 06). i will hunt down whoever set that test for the board...
  2. R

    Lear - Dramatic Techniques

    you hit it on the head there...
  3. R


    8 pages=default
  4. R

    Titration query...

    yep haha.....and she was never seen again...
  5. R

    Year 11-- found out if you're in cont or background yet?

    its a joke how many ineligible background speakers are allowed to chinese continuers. it is no where near efficiently policed and not naming any schools, there are whole cohorts that are all background speakers. wat sort of incentive is it for non-background speakers to continue doing it? there...
  6. R

    Titration query...

    a very good school actually. it was a rare hiccup haha your a sick man for having as ur homepage btw. ive seen that before and it aint good at all haha
  7. R

    Titration query...

    yeah they didnt rinse the new conical u can understand the variance that would hav caused
  8. R

    Titration query...

    we did a titration prac assessment around a month ago ................ it was deemed invalid as the science department had bought new conical flasks which some classes used and others didnt. when they came to marking it they couldnt tell who was actually wrong so they just gave everyone...
  9. R

    4U maths destroys confidence

    wat if your rank is pretty bad then...are u screwed??
  10. R

    help? 4u or 3u maths? just not sure which will be better for my other subjects and uai....anyone?
  11. R

    help? 4u or 3u maths?

    im kinda confused at the moment....we just got our first hsc assessment marks back for 4u and 3u maths and turns out i hav been recommended to leave the class with marks of 23/36 in 3u and 23/38 in 4u. i realise they are pretty poor marks..especially since complex numbers is apparently the...