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  1. C

    School / Subject

    Hey I know who you are! :P Same school, Eng Ext 2 Modern History Maths Extension 1 Physics
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    How's everyone going?

    Well I'm *planning* to write 1000 words for my critical response for next week's lesson. That's good right? :D I've just been doing a whole ton of research and have just been rambling in my journals. Well more whinging and complaining about it.
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    Queen Lear

    Yep I going to see Queen Lere with my English class sometime next month I think too!
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    EXt 2 workshop at Knox Grammar School

    Ummm I think I'm going. It's only $40 I think anyway. I haven't heard any other opinions on how it is though.
  5. C

    Your MW is..?

    Critical analysis on Revolutionary Poets: Wordsworth (Lyrical Ballads), TS Eliot (Wasteland) and Robert Lowell (Life Studies).
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    How many units and what subjects??

    11 units - 4u eng, 3u maths, physics and modern history. I don't think you should try to play the system and think "if I do 15 units, I'm bound to get a high UAI". If you do badly in all your 15 units because you've spread yourself out to thin, it's not worth it - rather do 10 units and do it...
  7. C

    Number of texts to analyse??

    I'm sure you could just focus on the three texts and refer to the other texts when you need to? I'm doing three poets, narrowed it down from 5.
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    How good are you at sightreading?

    I've always been pretty bad at remembering and sightreading - worse at remembering, I just *could not* do it at all for my year 8 piano exam! The best advice for sightreading is just to go slow.
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    hmph, started?

    I think I might change to writing my own poetry - at least the very little research I've done will be useful! :D
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    Constructing your journal

    I just went to Borders today and bought one of those black hardback sketchbooks - $9.95, A4 size, since I type out my journal anyway, I can just stick it in. And it'll FORCE me to be organised and not make something up last minute. Or at least that's the plan.
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    Ideas that have been done to death...

    I loved the blondes idea and so did my teacher, but then she was telling some of the other markers (she marked 3u, and the other markers had experience in 4u) and they said it's been done SO many times before and mostly not really well either - since they thought the topic was a bit superficial...
  12. C

    hmph, started?

    I'm fine with my medium. I've done a bit and am prepared to improve myself on it :D I like Robert Lowell, so that's a third of my major work which is ok. Haven't started TS Eliot :oops: And Wordsworth is very very scary. Very very very dry too. I guess that's expected though, isn't it?
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    Emma / Clueless

    I'm doing this once we get back into school. I haven't even read Emma yet - I've bought the DVD and have watched it about 5 times, that's about it! I haven't started King Lear either... Oh and I've watched clueless. That's about all I've done which isn't too great.
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    kubla khan

    That's the one! I like it, it's one of my favourite ones I've studied from him.
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    For all you movie buffs

    Intolerable Cruelty?
  16. C

    hmph, started?

    This biography of Wordsworth is killing me. I started reading it these holidays and I'm up to page 22. This is really an indication that I should change topics isn't it? Oh. And on top of that my medium is a website. I'm pretty much doomed I think.
  17. C

    anyone doing Coleridge?

    This is going to be pretty short and not that helpful since I did Coleridge last term and haven't had looked over it since: Kubla Khan is an imaginative journey because it takes the narrator (Coleridge) and the reader through an imaginative journey. In the first stanza the rhythm is pretty...
  18. C

    hmph, started?

    I've only done 3 pages worth of journal entries (lots of whinging, typed with creative spacing and font manipulation). I'm doing Revolution poetry: Wordsworth, TS Eliot and Robert Lowell - what a dry topic, I'm such an idiot!
  19. C

    Ideas that have been done to death...

    I was going to do blondes portrayed in film (film noir, Mae West, Doris Day, Lana Turner, etc) and do a documentary on that but was told that it's been done so many times over.
  20. C

    hmph, started?

    I haven't started! :( I'm even thinking about changing my topic :S I'm in a class with only one other person, but there are 9 EE2 students at my school, and 5 teachers (2 per class, one girl alone).