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  1. steban

    Is anyone gonna do 7 subjects (13 units) for yr 12 HSC?

    HELLLLLL-L-L NOO 13 units...i do 13 units now....workload is quite heavy for me, but im only havin 4 subs next yr woot! English (4U) Music extension (3U) Jap Beg Chemistry ill be havin 11 units, but 2 of them are major works presented at the end of the year (ext 2 english and...
  2. steban

    How many hours of hw/studying do U do?

    i dont have a set study/HW timetable but i do the homework i get, which is quite abit, and i dont really full on study but i may look over some things, sometimes things are so fresh in your head that you dont feel the need to revise. But this holidays i got out my chem study book and iv been...
  3. steban

    getting 90.00+

    i know someone who did similar subjects (similar as in scaling wise), and he scored a 90 sumthin. just study, and aim for 90+ marks for all your subjects and your bound to get a UAI of 90+
  4. steban

    Changing Perspectives - Other Material

    For my supplementry text im using "Shine" directed by Scott Hicks and thinking of using "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontte. Though i need one more= =, im thinking of using song lyrics....any ideas...? and referring to the post above mine^, The Door is a stimulus text so there should be PLENTY...
  5. steban

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    lollerz, hmm, i DID have stringer friends, but all left school = =, one got into the con, she was a pro cellist its liek WOW (name is eslee), she is just amazing, A+ for her 8th Grade exam i think thats outstanding. buy yeah... i am a violinist actually...i have applied for state music camp...
  6. steban

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    hey hey violinist and violist here!! future cellist as well, as soon as i complete LmusA piano im to be able to start on de cello yayay, i want to conquer all string instruments!!....except double bass it dosent fancy me....., and i gave up on guitar = = hoping to join a couple orchestras...
  7. steban

    Best tutoring colleges

    im about to go harrys! not for maths though = =, for chemistry and english. he is soo into chemistry = =, full showing me all his past medical students, chemistry degree and whatnot, but this is a positive note i guess, i hope he does well tutoring. Friend of mine also goes for...
  8. steban

    Shine - David Hicks/Geoffery Rush

    Hey, i have a task coming up which is to prepare a supplementry texts portfolio or something like that are we are to gather a couple of related texts. A visual is to be included and i plan to use the Film "Shine", the movie about pianist David Helfgott and how he goes mental halfway through the...
  9. steban

    '07 Preliminary Roll Call

    Steven of Blakehurst High...dodgy skool but good enough subjects studied in ma sig..... asian......just thought you guys like to know is the passion... ....................i have no life = =.... ............................i like english but im not very good...
  10. steban

    James An college....anyone..?

    keke, lucky i havnet paid for james an yet or else im stuck.. hmm, with that said, would anyone recommend a good english tutor...? or even a quality coaching college for english...? (maybe chemistry as well)
  11. steban

    James An college....anyone..?

    aha, funny how b4 i read your post, i stumbled across their website yesterday night, and i emailed them for questions. but like hmm, i dun reallly want maths though, cause i do general (BWAHA) and its piss easy, all i need to do is listen in class and im on the ball. but i have yuck essay...
  12. steban

    James An college....anyone..?

    yeah, it is pretty pricey, im doing the course which is 50 bucks a week = =, but im only going a 3 week trial (yes we gotta pay for the trial = =) and if i find it useful i might continue it for awhile, if not then pffft What other coaching colleges would you guys recommend..? or are good...
  13. steban

    ENGLISH! (All courses welcome =D)

    English Advanced : Change (as everyone else) main focus: Changing perspectives though we are moving onto macbeth very soonz our set texts are In the Park - Gwen Harwood Lines - Percey Shelly Legend - forgot == Cats in the Craddle (harry and sumone i think)(tis the popular song)...
  14. steban

    James An college....anyone..?

    Hey guys, anyone go to James An..? i think its a pretty popular coaching college, and they score many results i think, im thinking of doing the english course, just for some support does anyone think that coaching college is pointless or anything, for yr 11 anywayz...?
  15. steban

    Music 1 Scaling

    listen to a wide variety of music, and try to note down the use of the concepts of music, i know in my school the main focus now is duration, so they identify time signitures, tempo etc, and do this but with all the concepts of music, i think thats pretty much what the music 1 course involves.
  16. steban

    Whats 4U english all about

    thanks for comments, still not sure if i wana do it, plans were prelim: English 3U Gen Maths Music 2 Japanese beg Bio Chem HSC: English 4U Music 3U Japanese beg Chem or if i think that even 3U...
  17. steban

    Whats 4U english all about

    Hey, im currently doing prelim 3U english and isn't finding it impossible or anything, and so far is planning on keeping it for the HSC, but i do have in mind may be picking up 4U english, but i only know is as a 'Major Work' and nothing else, may i ask what is the whole Extension 2 course...
  18. steban

    3 Unit english in Year 12

    and music extension, yr 12 one COULD probably manage extension 1 english from just year 12, but yeah, you need it in yr 11 to gain entry to yr 12 extension 1.
  19. steban

    band 6 in general maths

    i do maths but my main concern for this capping thing is for jap beginners, i did it in yr 8 and i was top of the class, doing it in yr 11, its like repeating EVERYTHIN, so know im like 100% student, so i was wonding, if i get 100, and the mark is capped, plus scaled down, does that destroy my...
  20. steban

    Please Help Biology Field Study

    our school visited the royal national park....and also experienced an infestation of leeches = =, but in my opinion, we didnt learn much, everythin weve learnt was already done through class, like, adaptations, foodchains/webs, relationships (allelopathy, mutualism, commensalism, parasitism...