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  1. Always

    Semiformal Wedding

    I don't think a shirt & pants combo will cut it for a semiformal dress code, that is more smart casual. A kneelength cocktail dress will be fine I think.
  2. Always

    What I am doing/wearing today

    I am very jealous, heard it was fantastic. Spent a lazy day with the boy. - silver Josh Goot tank - black J Brand super skinny jeans - orange Alice McCall sandals - hair straightened and in a ponytail
  3. Always

    iab's Survey

    [How many girls/guys have you seriously liked enough to go out with? Four. How many have you asked out? Zero. [b]How do you know the girls/guys do not like you for a relationship? If they pay less attention to you than they do to other girls around you.
  4. Always

    Transport to Formals.

    Limos are not that exciting. It depends on the type of person you are. I'd prefer to go in a nice car with my boyfriend but you may prefer to go with a group of friends in a limo.
  5. Always

    Class Of 2006 - Share You Thoughts

    I cannot believe it's all happening, it freaks me out. Are most of you guys graduating this week? Oh lord, oh lord, I'm going to have permanently puffy eyes by the end of this week. The actual hsc exams don't bother me very much at all. I'm so over it, I just want it to be over.
  6. Always

    Help with Dress/Jacket.

    Grey or cream cardigan, a jacket is too heavy for that dress.
  7. Always

    Lusting After...

    I've been lusting after this dress for forever! Sex, sex, sex (much better than sex, actually) I also want these fabulous boots: - I neeeeeed this. :(
  8. Always

    Fake tanning

    Good lord, babicka, chill. Don't take me so seriously.
  9. Always

    What I am doing/wearing today

    Incu and maybe The Corner Shop. Get them. ;)
  10. Always

    What I am doing/wearing today

    They're still available even if you haven't pre-ordered (unless they're sold out already). They're actually super cute on!! I was worried as well. I went up a size, though? I don't know if that's just me or the shorts.
  11. Always

    The Devil Wears Prada

    Re: The Devil Wears Prada... Me too, vogue! Editor-in-chief of Vogue, yes please. :) Fashion editor would be good enough for me, actually.
  12. Always

    What I am doing/wearing today

    thanks, Egronk, that is quite sweet of you. Hung out with girls from school to celebrate the end of school. - white men's RL shirt; buttons undone, tied in front, sleeves folded - Lover high-waisted denim shorts; cuffed to above mid-thigh - Zimmerman floral bikini underneath - gold...
  13. Always


    Oh god, I think my friend has that top! I thought she made it. :o The clothes are not ALL bad. eg. I have this dress. It looks really hideous on the runway but I promise it's cute in real life. The colours are much brighter and there are no random, ugly tags hanging on the skirt.
  14. Always

    Hit me now... Worst Marks You Have Had!

    This year - 53% for ext. 1 maths. A lot better now, thank god.
  15. Always

    People who don't like commitment and are in relationships.

    I'm much the same. It's been over 15 months but I'm still scared of giving too much of myself, if you know what I mean. I guess the only thing you can do is move forward. This is a new relationship, forget about the past, as hard as that may sound. I sound like such a hypocrite right about...
  16. Always

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    - picked up my valedictory dress - denim high-waisted shorts from Lover - white tee, also from Lover - RL perfume for a friend
  17. Always

    What I am doing/wearing today

    Earlier today (or rather yesterday) I went shopping and then to an 18th lunch (tea). - vintage high-waisted calf length flowy skirt in yellow chiffon - white tank tucked in - denim jacket - gold diamond angel wing necklace - thin gold bangles - gold roman sandals - hair in a loose bun...
  18. Always

    Q for ladies (and guys wit fashion sense)

    If you're going to be wearing mismatched pieces don't make it look like you're trying to match, if you catch my drift. Either get the matching jacket or go for something different altogether.
  19. Always

    Predict the UAI that YOU will get.

    I think I'll get 85 - 90 for all of my subjects and that equates to a UAI of around 90. :( Screwed.
  20. Always

    Terms of Trade

    This is confusing me. How does the TOT change? Does it have to do with exchange rate fluctuations or more the changes in demand and supply?