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  1. johnnypaul


    Opps my bad!
  2. johnnypaul


    Dexter is a sikkent.
  3. johnnypaul

    Movies most people don't get

    The Lion King. Shiet that moive was confusing.
  4. johnnypaul

    Sleeping TIME???

    Nothing is better than waking up then watching Dr Phill, Oprah then watching Ready Stead Cook and then going back to bed again.
  5. johnnypaul

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    Dumb vietnamese bitches
  6. johnnypaul

    Nerd Sex...

    Ask her over for some biology practicals. awwwwww shieeeeet
  7. johnnypaul

    UTS Transfer from UWS

    Regardless of what uni there is still hardly any chicks in engineering. *SIGHZ*
  8. johnnypaul

    Is Tupac the best musician to ever live?

    I find it hard to compare Lupe to Pac. Lupe is a "backpack" rapper. And best rappers in the game atm are Blu and Wale. Wale's Mixtape About Nothing is better than most LP's I've heard in a long time.
  9. johnnypaul

    Is Tupac the best musician to ever live?

    Lil Wayne anyone?
  10. johnnypaul

    Is Tupac the best musician to ever live?

    Is Tupac the best musician? No. But is he my favourite raper? yes. Lyrically Pac wasn't the best, Biggie and Big L was wayyy better than Tupac. But the reason I love Pac so much was cos of his delivery. It's was always so fierce, dramatic and full of emotion. I don't think there are many other...
  11. johnnypaul

    Facebook group for first year engineering students

    Cool thanks. C'mon there must more first year engineering students on this forum.
  12. johnnypaul

    Facebook group for first year engineering students

    This is a group for first year engineering students at UTS.
  13. johnnypaul

    Good Vibrations

    Pharoahe Monch and Kanye West were FUCKING AWESOME. Lol but did anyone else pick up that Kanye forgot the second verse to Through the Wire?
  14. johnnypaul

    diagnostic test results

    I remember the guy said that they will email us the results. I still havent received anything yet.
  15. johnnypaul

    diagnostic test results

    No idea, but I thought we were suppose to get them today.
  16. johnnypaul

    General thoughts- Extension 1 maths

    I got 46/50, I thought I was gonna fail it too. Prolly only answered 75% of the test.
  17. johnnypaul


    I was getting mid 60s to 70s in all my class assessments and ended up with a mark of 40/50
  18. johnnypaul

    Bad Uni Timetables!

    grrrrr and I cant change it either. All the other tuts and pracs are already full. FUCK! And on Fridays I go up to uni for just 1 hour for a lecture. It takes me 1 hour just to get up to the city, so the travelling time is longer than the class. DU MAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
  19. johnnypaul

    Bad Uni Timetables!

    I have 10am to 9pm on Tuesdays. And I have uni at 9am the next day. GG!