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  1. Rogan

    Trial Poll

    Procrastination what the fuk is that :confused:
  2. Rogan

    Trial Aftermath

    Conserve water drink beer hahahahahahaha thats funny shit :D
  3. Rogan

    Trial Aftermath

    yes it is torture but just think how drunk were all goin to get after HSC thats what i look forward to and what gets me through this shit
  4. Rogan

    stupid subject

    Im in the same boat i go to a marist school too and they make us do this stupid subject but i dont worry i have slept 75% of the course :D
  5. Rogan

    stupid subject

    This subject is the most boring stupidist subject on the planet im only doing it because i have to :o
  6. Rogan

    Maths Marks

    Dont worrie while we are earning heeps of money being corporate executives or scientists or whatever they will be saying "do you want fries with that" :D
  7. Rogan

    Trial Aftermath

    i wish i did general maths they get multiple choice and a formula sheet if i had that i wouldnt even need to study lucky bastareds :mad:
  8. Rogan

    Maths Marks

    yeah your probably right all the people who think there cool because they dont study but get great marks probably study more then me
  9. Rogan

    Maths Marks

    I did 3 past catholic trial papers along with integration sheets etc
  10. Rogan

    geo catholic trial

    Re: hey all
  11. Rogan

    geo catholic trial

    Geography was easy i finished it 30 minutes early :D and if HSC is easier than trials then i dont need to study for geo but i still will study
  12. Rogan

    Physics assessment

    you should see my physics assignment the last one its shit hard real astrophysics stuff:confused:
  13. Rogan

    Maths Marks

    Thats so true i have a math tutor i go to every week my maths study notes are 30 pages long and most time i spend studying is for maths yet still fail everything i even got the merit award for maths (try hard award) and only one is issued to some 50 students yet dickheads who never study get 70%...
  14. Rogan

    Maths Marks

    I do 2 unit maths and just did the catholic trails exam HOW FUCKING HARD WAS IT i didnt even finish even 3 hours wasnt long enough holy shit HSC cant be as hard as that ,its against the law :eek:
  15. Rogan

    Trial Aftermath

    For people who did the catholic trials 2 unit maths paper how hard was it i didnt even finish it no one finished it what do ya reckon