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  1. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    we'll be injected with before we leave which allows us to live without breathing...seriously doesnt anybody read the contracts
  2. PoLaRbEaR

    Click here

    no! nut-ell-a..mine..mine..go away..mine!! rraarr
  3. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    When i think abt the moon i think that everything moves more slower, probably cuz the astronauts are jumping in slow if there are drive by shootings we can all chuck a matrix and dodge them
  4. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    ahh we should get a DA on the moon away from everyone else?
  5. PoLaRbEaR

    Click here

    daa?? *starts moving backwards and forwards, all the while staring into space* [not as if my brain would help you much =D]
  6. PoLaRbEaR

    How do you determine polarity of substance?

    A substance is polar if it has poles, that is one side is more negative than the other...a substance such as ethane is non-polar because all the electron are equally shared between the atoms.. An substance like ethanol is polar because, due to the high electronegativity of oxygen, most...
  7. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    *low grunting voice* Call me Jackie Wats a DA??
  8. PoLaRbEaR

    Click here

    ....da da daaaa *slobbers and stares blankly into nothingness..*
  9. PoLaRbEaR

    trial paper

    I did the cssa trial...
  10. PoLaRbEaR

    hikki beats boa

    i havent seen real me but ourselves is pretty weird...and i saw a screenie of surreal and that looks weird as well
  11. PoLaRbEaR

    cd stores

    Dont think ive evern bought an album sisters usually buy them and then i listen to them...or else i just dl songs off the net =)
  12. PoLaRbEaR

    who's boat is sinking?

    hahaha let the water consume you as you slowly dissolve in the iciness
  13. PoLaRbEaR

    How did you find/hear about us?

    I think it was from my teacher...or else it would have been from a friend
  14. PoLaRbEaR

    Mess up in Movies

    Do you mean actual bloopers or bits that dont really make any logical sense?
  15. PoLaRbEaR


    hehe that avatar's from the snes game...ive played it..Herebik's Popoito or something like that =)
  16. PoLaRbEaR


    you can take a screenie and keep it as a memory =)
  17. PoLaRbEaR


    someone should just shut this whole bos forum down so we can do some serious studying =D
  18. PoLaRbEaR


    haha yep I'm in the middle of them and I'm always on here =)
  19. PoLaRbEaR

    CSSA chemistry trial

    Good luck to you too =) I went thru the whole syllabus yesterday..tho im still iffy abt some of the dot points...i should be alright tho W00t 100 posts =D
  20. PoLaRbEaR

    hikki beats boa

    I reckon Ayu's clips would be better if she danced in them...Evolution, Boys& Girls and Fly High are good songs by her tho