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  1. Riewe

    VC week/Mid-sem break

    Catch up on the first 4 weeks of stuff. I haven't done any study, or anything study-related, except prac reports, so i really need to figure out what each subject is talking about before the mid-semester exams come along. But that is my plan, and most likely, it'll never turn out like that.
  2. Riewe

    Do you go to the lectures?

    last semester was only about 30%, as they were all a waste of time, and i only slept through them so i decided to sleep at home rather at uni. Also, they were mainly mid afternoon, so it really screwed up my dyas. But This year the lectures have turned out better, all morning, besides chem on...
  3. Riewe

    Favourite Prime Minister

    In my lifetime, i would say John Howard, cause it's him against Hawke and Keating, and i quite like him as the leader of my country as a matter of fact. Compared to the direction that the Labor PMs were going, i'm quite happy with what's happening now. However, when i look back, i would say...
  4. Riewe

    Important - New Legislation - Read!

    Actually, it is the rich who pay the most tax, therefore it is the rich who are subsidising the poor to go to uni, not the other way around.
  5. Riewe

    Important - New Legislation - Read!

    But it is the principal of the thing. Should people be allowed to spend my money on political events? I don't give the Liberal, Labor or Greens money for their campaigns, so why should i be FORCED to pay you this student activism? And i somewhat agree with the 25% increase, as i agree with Dr...
  6. Riewe

    Nanotechnology or Mechatronics

    I am actually in my 2nd year of a nanotech degree at UTS. And just to answer your question about nano vs mechatronics, mechatronics is more of an engineering degree, with lots and lots of maths and thinking etc, whereas nano is pretty much a science/technology based course with a bit of maths...
  7. Riewe

    Important - New Legislation - Read!

    And another thing which supports VSU is that there is a poster doing the rounds at UTS about a protest march against Iraq. Then at the bottom it says "This poster would not be here under Voluntary Student Unionism (VSU)" I think they want us to turhn anti-VSU, but the only thing i think it does...
  8. Riewe

    Important - New Legislation - Read!

    Maybe if they just spent their money on services, not political campaigns, then i don't think the Government will have a problem, much like i won't have a problem. Maybe if the Unions make up a universal plan whereby all money collected by the union WILL NOT be used for protests or other overtly...
  9. Riewe

    Important - New Legislation - Read!

    I understand that it is VOLUNTARY unionsim which the governement is introducing. This means that people STILL can organise services, protests etc, but there may not be as much funds as there are now. Maybe these people instead of protesting and screaming everytime they hear VSU should now...
  10. Riewe

    should john Howard sign the kyoto treaty

    I just think it's a big waste of money with very little advantage. The only figures i've seen comparing cost with gain are from Junk Science and it doesn't look good. While i think that it is a problem that needs to be confronted, global warming that is, i just don't see any great benefit that...
  11. Riewe

    Anti Islam converence lists Abbot

    As quite a semi-traditionalist Christian, i understand Mr Abbott's stance on issues, so therefore i can somewhat stand him. But i also have no idea what this conference is going to achieve, as they will be preaching to the converted. Much like an anti-Howard forum only open to Howard haters...
  12. Riewe

    International Women's Day

    I didn't even know it was International Women's day until i watched Question time and they mentioned it. Where was the hype for this event? As it seems that International days like this is becoming more and more obscure.
  13. Riewe

    science faculty seems pretty quite..

    I was hoping that they would be ready for next semester to transfer from St Leonards to Broadway, as there is almost no way i will go to non-compulsory activities there. Just one subject next semester (Biomolecules) is there, with the prac the only thing i have on monday, but i am saying now...
  14. Riewe

    Uni Students - VSU vs. USU ?

    I'm for USU, as they provide many a needy facilities around Uni, such as free entertainment, subsidised stuff etc. When the Union doesn't get funding, then those who were the first not to pay will be the first to complain because the Union cannot supply the facilities that they enjoyed for so...
  15. Riewe

    voluntary student unionism? good or bad?

    I decided to read the handout from the SRC titled "Where does your $38 SA fees go?", or something along those lines. So when i opened it up, it gave me such a wealth of information about how my money helps pay for projects such as pressuring the governments to change their policies on aboriginal...
  16. Riewe

    voluntary student unionism? good or bad?

    I don't mind compulsory union fees but i hate paying compulsory Student Association fees. I understand that Union fees go towards uni facilities etc (you all know what i'm talking about), but why should i pay for a political group who do no benefit to me whatsoever. All that i see our SA doing...
  17. Riewe

    Grinspoon Show Pony Express Tour

    $29.95 show at Castle Hill Tav on their last tour/outing was very enjoyable, one of the best gigs i've seen. I still reckon they are one of the best aussie bands around, but with the prices, i see that $43 is quite a bit, but this also includes Shihad and the Spazzys, which aren't too bad to...
  18. Riewe

    who do you like beezly or howard

    Considering Beazly has a 0-2 record and Howard is on a streak of 4-0, it just says it all. Maybe Beazly is hoping the '3rd time lucky' saying is true.
  19. Riewe

    Lecture pad or exercise book

    Don't feel too bad about being a nerd, as you are bound to see that there are plenty of nerdish people who organise themselves like that.
  20. Riewe

    transport costs

    $17 a week. so that's about $300 a year for travel, which isn't to bad if you earn close to that a week.