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  1. *Pooja*

    List of Techniques about sibilance? its like alliteration but it involves only the 's' sound - like in 'sun-scorched skins' (if that makes sense at all). also ppl, when youre looking at visual texts with no words in them at all like in form of captions or something and u want to say something about...
  2. *Pooja*

    Usyd vs UTS (Open DAY)

    i rem going to one of the USYD lecture theatre ones. the seats were like uncomfortable!!! my butt was aching and we couldnt even move our feet around. 1 hour in there seemed like 4!!!! i dont ever wanna go into that lecture hall ever again!!!!
  3. *Pooja*

    USYD or UTS?

    Lexicographer: Yeah i heard about UTS ppl being really friendly too. not to name anyone from anywhere but some ppl ive talked to and that i have seen and known are not very nice...they seem to have this ego problem. i dont see why ppl put down UTS. its a cool uni! i know some ppl that go there...
  4. *Pooja*

    USYD or UTS?

    i have...its just that i dont think ill get the uai!
  5. *Pooja*

    USYD or UTS?

    so how good is BSc at UTS?
  6. *Pooja*

    USYD or UTS?

    oh wow! kate9032 i wanna do BSc too if i dont get the UAI i want. i really like the course but like you, i dont really know why i wanna do it!
  7. *Pooja*

    USYD or UTS?

    i am independent. its just that me and my friends planned on getting to the uni together seeing we wont be looking at the same things...hmm.
  8. *Pooja*

    Induction motors

    YAY!!! i helped someone! hehehehehehehehe :D
  9. *Pooja*

    USYD or UTS?

    mm-hmm. i realise theyre close to each other. good idea...but will my friends agree??? anyways, thanks. :D
  10. *Pooja*

    USYD or UTS?

    man this is crap. y do usyd and uts have to have their courses day on the same day! :mad: im confused as to which one i should go to now b/c i'm putting down preferences from both these unis majorly! dammit!....... :vcross: isnt there any other way????
  11. *Pooja*

    headline inflation

    yeah. but what?...the drought was the cause of the rise in prices?
  12. *Pooja*

    headline inflation

    yeah. but what?...the dsrought was the cause of the rise in prices?
  13. *Pooja*

    headline inflation

    well its not really the drought thats counted. its the price increases in food and stuff that is counted. the drought is just a cause - its not the whole thing.
  14. *Pooja*

    explain pls: just a couple of multiple choice qs...

    its weird and confusing! but it may just be simple and i just cant see it or something......
  15. *Pooja*

    explain pls: just a couple of multiple choice qs...

    ooh thanks! ;) i get the first one. the second one still seems fuzzy though!
  16. *Pooja*

    Tips to help with stress

    awwww.....ure so nice. but somehow i seem to think that wont happen...not soon anyway! ;) but i hope it does! :)
  17. *Pooja*

    Induction motors

    basically the induction motor has a stator (copper wire windings within steel laminations wound on soft iron cores, which surroind the rotor) and rotor (coils wound on a laminate iron armature mounted on an axle). with the rotor coils these are often just single copper bars which are...
  18. *Pooja*

    Photoelectric effect

    different light waves have different frequencies. if u have a metal and u shine some light onto it, then that light would have a certain frequency. the photoelectric effect is basically what occurs when light of sufficient frequency or energy shines onto a metal (cathode) and cause electrons...
  19. *Pooja*

    explain pls: just a couple of multiple choice qs...

    okay people. i know these may be stupid questions :o but could someone explain to me what is happening in these questions? :confused: the first one: a woman earning $35000 a year spends $20000 each year. Following a $10000 a year pay increase, the woman spends $23000. What is the woman's...