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  1. ~::UAI::~

    QMB assignment help!

    here you go, Mine from last year, with help from shingi. haha:music: good luck
  2. ~::UAI::~

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    sunjet, If your thursday LEGT2741 tut got moved to tues, It's going to be a nice timetable as well. hehe >_<
  3. ~::UAI::~

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    No idea but best advise that i can give you is to HAVE PATIENCE! without patience, you can't win the War against UNSW keep checking up on the timetable to see if the tut you want have been filled and just keep on trying to enrol!! enrol like mad!
  4. ~::UAI::~

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    That happens, My accounting Tut for tues 1pm was available but i can't enroll in it as well they sometime do reserve spot for other people so yeah, just try to make best of it
  5. ~::UAI::~

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    Thanks, I feel wonderful ATM great start for next semester Haha... And all my tut are after the lecture, which is a bonus
  6. ~::UAI::~

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    envy me... :):):):):) I am beating the 9am crowd... haha never am i going to be seen in the Great Wall of Eddy Avenue
  7. ~::UAI::~

    LEGT1711 quetion

    hey, people, i have a question i am doing work on Caveat, and i came across this "...a party lodges a dealing (prevented by the Caveat) and also lodges an Application for Preparation of Lapsing Notice (form 08LX), together with the prescribed lodgment fee, to lapse or partially lapse the...
  8. ~::UAI::~

    What you hate about UNSW

    The stupid Myunsw enrolment system, never seems to work during enrolment time!!!!!!!!!
  9. ~::UAI::~

    Midyear Entry

    what, you kidding me, IR is the best subject for me so far! it is fun! >_< you learn very interesting events
  10. ~::UAI::~

    Course Outline

    lol, why heavy? >_< i got this advise from an intership program advisor u do a very very long skill for all ur course i don't know if it works, but anyway.. so hard to find a job these day...
  11. ~::UAI::~

    Course Outline

    haha... nah... i done the course last year, i just need to found the skill and sttribute for my resume... yeah, thanks anyway >_<
  12. ~::UAI::~

    Course Outline

    thanks, didn't realise that
  13. ~::UAI::~

    Course Outline

    :haha:Can anybody be nice enough to post up the course outline for the following subject? ECON1202 QMA ECON1101 Microeconomics 1 ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1 Thanks so much, i appreciate it!:)
  14. ~::UAI::~

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    wow, i am impressive, all these stories, and myths haha.. luckily i don't have any late class.. but come to think of it, i have lots of late class last year. that was close, and creepy.. hahah
  15. ~::UAI::~

    textbook editions

    Now it is hahaha
  16. ~::UAI::~

    textbook editions

    i went there and the textbook list is not up YET
  17. ~::UAI::~

    Frustration with MYUNSW

    hitting on the wall!!!!!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  18. ~::UAI::~

    Frustration with MYUNSW

    curse myunsw! i been waiting for like 3 hours now, i swear, i am going insane very soon if they don't let me enrol
  19. ~::UAI::~

    Frustration with MYUNSW

    is it possible for unsw to upgrade myunsw, i been on myunsw for like 2 hours and still are not able to enroll my course... ah.... stupid unsw!!!!!! congested!
  20. ~::UAI::~


    haha... problem fixed here as well..