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  1. R

    "degree in a day" at usyd

    Wow you have really high expectations 99+ UAI . For your own sake dont be disappointed on December 18th . Iam expecting 90+ something more realistic if you know what i mean!:haha: Ive been to USyd in yr 11 for the rural medical career week with UNSW its a great uni
  2. R

    Emptiness with End of HSC

    thanks for the advice. i think my girlfriend will provide that service .
  3. R

    Emptiness with End of HSC

    get stuffed you 4unit loser
  4. R

    Emptiness with End of HSC

    hey i finished today . Geography that is . if you think youve had it bad i was in hosptial for 5 days between bology and chemistry exams . ive been workiing my ass off the whole way through the HSC. it s a relief to finish
  5. R

    General Exam Thoughts

    Did anyone intergrate their knowledge of chemistry and biology into the ecosystems questions? hey i study chem and bio the exam was a great one to finish on goodluck to everyone who sat this exam
  6. R

    multiple choice answers

    What option did all you guys answer. Did anyone do biochemistry ?
  7. R

    Physics or Chemistry??

    Come first in chem, ace every exam and assessment task and you will be laughing. Chem is the better alternative. In scales better than Physics.
  8. R

    General Thoughts - Biology

    Did anyone find the 8 mark question on blood products and methods a little too easy ..
  9. R

    Creative writing length?

    If you mean the length of the creative story asked in the HSC ? I siutable lengh is enough that our hands can cope with within 35 minutes. Try Practicing your story if you have one pre prepared under exam conditions. If yout in the finish within 35 to 40 minutes your sweet But i believe by...
  10. R

    syllabus change

    dont worry you have the updated syllabus
  11. R


    You should see my cohort bitchfight for the top marks in every subject.
  12. R

    Rank Affect?

    iam the same as you . Athough iam coming second in 3unit mathematics i dont no exactly how the hsc marks work out if i beat the person coming first. but iam fairy sure that your ranking determines half your HSC mark sent in by your moderated assessment mark. Athough i think the person who...
  13. R

    What to DO at ANU?

    hi i also want to go to ANU iam sitting my HSC this year. Iam thinking of doing a double degree at ANU . I study : Chem, Bio , mathemaics 2unit, Adv english, Geography and Physics iam thinking of doing bachelor of Law/ Medical Science] A science major is always handy
  14. R

    Circular Motion Q's

    Wow thats excellent . i meant to say 94% in 2unit mathematic in my NSW independent Trial Examination . I hope you do well in the HSC
  15. R

    Circular Motion Q's

    fair call. but did you get 94 in your trial for 2unit mathematics
  16. R

    uai estimation please!

    thanks heaps. i hope you do well in the HSC aswell. remember ' The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet'
  17. R

    Circular Motion Q's

    id rather have common sense than be able to solve maths equations . The time you spent posting these comments could go into study ie for the HSC
  18. R

    best law university

    B Aerospace Engineering Syd Uni is anyone else putting this as their 1st prefence ? anyone
  19. R

    uai estimation please!

    iam hoping to get 95 or above for my uai iam doing maths, chem, bio, adv eng, physics . iam ranked 1 in all of them. and i got the following marks in the trial chem 93% bio 94% maths 2unit 91% physics 89% adv eng 95% geography 94% so you think i have pressure do do well in the HSC ...