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  1. P

    Dec 31} Woman marries dolphin

    krull/ easily confused... ah hijacking threads, those were the days weren't they? well i'm off
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    Dec 31} Woman marries dolphin

    how to lose a guy in 10 days
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    50 Cent concert

    i saw this thread and a part of me died
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    Dec 31} Woman marries dolphin

    i am quite sure you did not invent that name yourself. i am quite sure i STOLE IT from a movie
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    Dec 31} Woman marries dolphin

    it is an extremely popular name on the island of Whakatuiwhakabui. It came number 87 in the top 100 boys names. granted they only have 86 males
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    Dec 31} Woman marries dolphin

    why does the dolphin have such a feminine name like 'cindy' why not something manly like...buck or butch or vlad or kron warrior king? cindy just reminds me of girls just wanna have fun
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    Racism in Australia

    poor diddums. that happened to a friend of mine once, but he didn't call it rape, he called it 'azin lovin'
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    Cho Chang- Yay or Nay?

    cho's accent was probably the funniest thing in the movie. 'oh ima sowrie 'ary i cannot goo to tha dance with yer' why was she scottish? tell me why??
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    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    an overwhelming sense of dread has engulfed me as i realise that harry could quite well possibly die in teh 7th book. OH WHY? WHY ART THOU SO CRUEL OH WORLD! that or he doesn't either way doesn't bother me at all not one bit ...
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    Favorite fictional character

    Jack Sparrow...CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow
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    Adam Brody named sexiest guy alive

    what is this world coming to when pure good looking hunks of man meat are kicked off top ten polls by adorable nerds, geeks, and 'we use eyeliner cuz it's original' rockers. i dread the day when honest, good working attractive people have no where to go, but fear not, there will always be a...
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    hottest male celebrity

    so hard to really pick one. they're all gorgeous in they're own 'we make so much money it really doesn't matter if we get ugly now cuz we can get surgery to fix that' way. but jake in donnie darko was extremely good looking, and johnny depp doesn't seem to have an expirty date. and milo from...
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    Jennifer Aniston - Woman of the Year

    poor jen jen. she went from brad pitt to vince vaughn. she went from one of the most beautfiul men in teh world to...well...vince vaughn. i mean he's not ugly, but he's no brad pitt.
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    Tongue or No Tongue?

    i am the ruler of the universe. don't mess with me or your head will turn into a cabbage. oh yeah and tongue is teh secks
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    What's your sexuality?

    what does other mean?
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    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    i hear blues point is the place to be nye...or maybe i lied...haven't quite figured that out yet
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    The Official Cricket Thread 2006/2007

    couldn't have put it better if i tried
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    i think maybe this season should just be given a generic name because of the many religions/cultures that have celebrations/holidays. i won't name them all because it is infinitely possible that i will get some wrong and insult someone which i try to avoid if i can. oh and fun fact 25th of...
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    Promise of a new life ends in tragedy

    two words: amanda vanstone
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    Fellas lets ask the questions to the ladies we always wanted...

    i never know what i want to say in the first place and i change my mind as much as elizabeth taylor changes husbands