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  1. D

    Income Tax

    the thing is my workmates said something about fringe benefits and dey only got taxed $200 if they made $1000 so i got taxed way too much for wat i made
  2. D

    Income Tax

    i think i got rorted im not sure this is what i got paid for 2 weeks worth of work $723 and they taxed me $202 so i only ended up getting $521 das like a 30% tax !!!!!! did i get rorted? or is this normal?
  3. D

    work sux !

    natstar get a telemarketing job lol
  4. D


    oooosh well i'll stay for at least 2 more months b4 i leave so it will look like experience which is worthwhile mentioning on da resume.. das if i dont get fired maybe i'll go crazy coz its only been like 2 weeks or sumfing and im already sick of saying da same shit over and...
  5. D

    work sux !

    i heard factory labour work pays pretty good and its quite easy too
  6. D

    work sux !

    u ever had a days work without making n e credit card sales mate?
  7. D

    work sux !

    im sure alot of you people out there have had pressure or stress from work at some stage of your life.. and you can blame it on your bosses, supervisors etc... some times work just givs me da shits.. and all the pressure i get is making me go crazy.. especially in a telemarketing job where...
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    uwsconnect card
  9. D

    uwsconnect card

    i got one for free last week when i was bumming in da comp labs
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    would u get fired if you constantly fall below the rate? or make no credit card sales?
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    Woman who shot the dude

    if someone comes into my houes and robs me and punches me... and runs off outta da door.. i'll grab my baseball bat and chase da cunt and do what i hafto do... peace^^
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    do you guys wear ties to your interviews? hehe
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    me too !! lol i wonder how long the interview goes for.. hopefully less than 10 minutes.. :)
  14. D

    UnI QuEsTiOnS...PlZ HeLp....

    mate we''ll discuss it after you get your UAI aiight LOL fark study hard NOW and dont think u wont get da marks .. coz if u keep thinking that then u wont !!!! peace^^
  15. D

    attention year 12s

    ok i found it.. THE COURSE LIST OF COURSES WHICH ARE NOT OFFERED AT UWS NO MORE ! these will STILL be in the UAC guide as the UAC guide was published before UWS made its final changes !!!! but the following courses are no longer offered, so dont put them in your UAC preferences.. cheers ^^...
  16. D

    attention year 12s

    i know yall recently got the new UAC Guide sometime this week.. But some of the courses arnt offered at UWS no more.. coz da UAC Guide was published before UWS made its final changes.. so it is still printed in the UAC Guide, but in reality those certain courses r not offered no more for yall...
  17. D

    attention year 12s

    for those who are intending to put a UWS course in their preferences... i have some news for yall... pls read next thread
  18. D

    about RET

    they ask you simple shit like comprehension.. and its Multiple Choice u cant study for it.. there is no maths.. so no worries and there is also another part where you have to write an essay or something like that.. its pretty easy.. yo if your RET score is higher than the cut off for the...
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    17 yo paepdophile

    wat natio was dis kid?
  20. D

    exam results

    dam.. props to dat girl dat got 4 HDs !!! good shit !!!