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  1. Eeko

    RUSSIA- groups

    secret police just write about the efficiency of the cheka, nkvd, kgb etc.. and then draw a picture of stalin on ur test paper and walk out i assure u ofa pass
  2. Eeko

    how did u feel

    Charles qin my name 112 brother i shouldn't lose any more than 8 marks maybe only 6 if im lucky
  3. Eeko

    how did u feel

    gotta be one of the easiest 4u maths paper dunno why u reckon its hard man
  4. Eeko

    ME2 Exam paper evaluation...

    i thought it was easy probably only one in the world then again last count im on 112 geez me look set for 99.95
  5. Eeko

    Who regretted taking up Ext 2 Maths?

    man 4u is easy as shit i regret doing it coz its boring
  6. Eeko

    raw marks

    i got 112 last time i counted 112 scales to 100% right?
  7. Eeko

    what raw mark do u need to get band 6 in 3u

    man 70's guys come on top band aren't shit u want 97+ style i did 2002 paper and i from the answers and stuffed i only got one questoin wrong based on carless so assuming my working flows and shit 82/84 take a few for working etc.. 80/84 good enough
  8. Eeko

    One More Sleep

    i just wanna get 60/120 if i do u'll see me flyingto the moon
  9. Eeko

    Who needs more time?

    i hate 4u i fuking hate it more then george bush's underwear fukig maths why did i ever pick this shit fuk subject
  10. Eeko

    HSC Exam: 27/10/03

    can someone let me copy them preferbably a guy whos gonna pass
  11. Eeko

    JOhn Done- What the F__k and where the FUk

    i rang hotline(put me on callback but enver called back) and they said bsically do a traditional reading and apply techniques and if i want use alternative reading/critics to show their intepretations i.e to a feminist donne isn't passionate, but a sexist concerned with his own sexual desires
  12. Eeko

    JOhn Done- What the F__k and where the FUk

    wif donne u see questions asking bout readings then those abut how much of a smart arse he is with readings, u obviously apply watever readings but wif those "how doies he show his intellect and emotion" wat u suppoes to do? i read a band 6 exempler, he basically did a traditional...
  13. Eeko

    How many ppl at your school left early?

    this guy left 20minutes in suicidal
  14. Eeko

    Am i screwed?

    i wrote fuk on mine creative its my technique to emphasis the change !
  15. Eeko

    Module C- Powerplay

    Hsc is annoying but it is fun DOUBLETHINK- applied to hsc
  16. Eeko

    away & stimulus booklet

    im using sky high and the door as back up its enough man
  17. Eeko

    Trotsky - personality

    one's always specific ones always long like 10-20yr periods
  18. Eeko

    WHo does The Tempest and Explorers?

    who does those 2 texts, the shit ones i can't even find a study guide for anyways can anyone give me some of the techniques shakespheare and some of the explorers used in the text? coz wif exploeres i can't see shit and wif shakespheare i can see the techniques but i dunno what they do...
  19. Eeko

    hey everyone... UAISEEKER

    ah the joys of going to a selective school knowing if u fall ur mates have already put a safety net below
  20. Eeko

    memo to all history students

    man i hate russia, fuking its all about grain and how bunch of stooges in the commi party started arguing germany more fun Heil Hitler! as for the course I think Modern History to anyone will be the exam they do the most writing in, in the trials i did like 21 or 23 and tat was one of...