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  1. MaryJane

    Coop Bookshop

    So, has everyone received the email, promoting 15% off for a limited time? I still think thats pretty stingy, considering the fact they increase the prices of their books, although they are a "cooperative" :rolleyes: Anyway, I was just wondering whether anyone had an inside scoop as to whether...
  2. MaryJane

    do results come out at...

    It sucks, I have to get up at 6.30 (but will stay in bed untl 7) to get to the city by 8.30. :( :( I wish I had tomorrow off to recover from the pent up anxiousness/stress and later anguish/exuberance (depending upon my results), because there is no way I'll be getting any sleep tonight before...
  3. MaryJane

    If you could have a statue...

    Nice to see you keep Jane Goodall and her famous work in the back of your mind, Jamie! Not sure what I'd have... a fountain that worked would be nice :p Or, some big thing that you could sit on, with all interactive bits and pieces... like the play equipment with noughts and crosses.
  4. MaryJane


    Just re-reading e-student again (being pedantic and anxious), it says when there is a (p), it means that "you currently satisfy the requirements for your enrolled units"... therefore, shouldnt the (p) indicate that I've passed the pre-req courses? I dont know... as I said, I'm being pedantic...
  5. MaryJane

    Keep or Sell Textbooks?

    I have sold every single law book I own, except the citation book (which is on the net anyway). I agree with Moonlight - law is ever-changing, and so there really isnt much point holding onto books which, when you try to sell them 2 years later, will be updated and therefore unlikely to be...
  6. MaryJane


    Hmm... Steve and I still have our 'P' thingos, which means we either failed, or e-student is just not being nice to us. We think the latter... Correction: we hope the latter. :(
  7. MaryJane

    "it's not procrastinating because it's the HOLIDAYS!"

    Tues, Wed and Friday I'm at work. Not much fun, but need the dosh. Also, the boss makes up for me having to work during my hol's by getting the staff sloshed every Friday evening on really nice wine. I am sloshed right now, but I'm coming out of it because its 10pm. p.s. Lynn, this is why I...
  8. MaryJane

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Here comes my contribution to the thread... Never, ever purge. Here are some of the medical outcomes (not to mention psychological ramifications - interestingly enough, this list came from my PSY306 study). (Also, this is just a v. short list of the more common outcomes) o Menstrual...
  9. MaryJane

    Getting to know you

    Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only') I need to procrastinate, because Steve isn't coming to bed yet, and I cant sleep without him. My father thinks I am: The smart cookie of the family (I'm the first person in our family EVER to go to uni, and he loves that I'm doing an LLB). My mother...
  10. MaryJane

    non award help

    It will say on the unit outline whether missing 3 tutorial classes equates to a failed unit. So read that. If it doesnt mention anything of the sort (ie. your tutor was correct, not the co-ordinator), go and speak to the co-ordinator in person. If it doesnt resolve itself, you'll probably have...
  11. MaryJane

    Stupid siemens! Your opinions plz

    Fair enough if they have a "headfreeze", but surely they would have noted that this was going to happen sooner - not 2 months into the 'selection process' - rather than notifying you now? I dont think its really fair for you to say "dont be unimpressed... its normal". So what? If you were in a...
  12. MaryJane

    changing sucjects

    Usually midnight, but sometimes they state that they'll be out at 9am... Either way, stay tuned to BoS the night before exam results are revealed, and you'll have some hacked short-cut, immediate, post-result release site to visit. <3 our MQ hackers :D
  13. MaryJane

    Great news for SAM card holders

    I wont be paying for SAM next year. I dont feel I get $180 worth of discounts to justify its use. You'd have to buy a lot of SAM stuff, with their pitiful 5 - 20 cent discount to get your money back :rolleyes: In fact, I havent met one person yet who said they will be paying their SAF's.
  14. MaryJane

    3rd year LAW

    Unfortunately, I still want to kill const. Its a horrible, horrible subject if you ask me! I much prefer property, even though it causes me much stress and headaches. Still looking forward to second semester property though! I've also heard that const in second semester is Admin law, not...
  15. MaryJane

    What units you doing for 2nd Semester?

    I think Steve is doing ACCG200 next semester, too! We are sorta in the early stages of deciding whether we're going to do both PSY332 and 334, or whether we should hold off on 334 (because its more interesting, and our passion) and do it second semester 2007. Apparently, ACCG200 has a...
  16. MaryJane

    What does your desk look like?

    You'd be a fantastic psych student Asy! You'd be, like, Dr. Mike Freud! :D Unfortunately no childhood-scarring events; it might have come in handy, having an explanation for my craziness ;)
  17. MaryJane

    What does your desk look like?

    Fish are stupid like that. They die in a nice, clean environment, but prosper in a horrible, dirty gross environment. Fish annoy me. Give me a kitten or puppy any day. (but I do like the fish in romeo and juliet) :)
  18. MaryJane

    What units you doing for 2nd Semester?

    Yay for social psych! I love social soooo much, its so great!! I can't wait to do it again! But, I dont like Julie Fitness. She's too abrupt and aggressive for me. Steve did BUSL250 and did really well (but he does well in every subject he does), so if you need help there, you know who to...
  19. MaryJane

    Psychology at Macquarie

    It wouldn't be me; I'm too anti-social. Unless you're Steve in disguise.... dun dun DUNNNNNN!!!! :eek:
  20. MaryJane

    What units you doing for 2nd Semester?

    If all goes according to plan: LAW315 (Const & Admin Law) LAW317 (Property Law and Equity) PSY332 (Psych Assessment) PSY334 (Social Psych)