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  1. D

    help re: perspective

    for my history major work i'm looking at doing something along the lines of "how the issue of the stolen generation has been used to further both the three cheers and black armband views of australian history" i've got a fair bit of stuf but a large number of it is published more by...
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    yearly feedbacks- mark and rank

    ta soulsearcher....:) :)
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    yearly feedbacks- mark and rank

    Well....could've bin worse i spose....maybe....some really good and others kinda dismal.... Advanced English- 74/85 (87%)- 1st of 26 Extension English- 38/40 (95%)- 1st of 8 General Maths- 65/100 (65%)- 4th of 45 Ancient History- 85/100 (85%)- 1st of 15 Modern History- 85/100 (85%)- 1st of 12...
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    Ext 1 English Subject Selection Help

    extension is great. seriously, u could do so much worse than doing extension. whilst it still has the same sort of ideas as the 2 unit course, its a lot more free flowing. generally youve got a much smaller class, and everyone whose doing it really wants to be there, so it tends to be more...
  5. D

    HSC Subject Selections

    Prelim: 3 Unit English Gen Maths Ancient Modern Legal Business (accelerated)HSC 07: 4 Unit English Gen Maths Ancient Modern Legal History Ext.Will have finished business, so picking up the 4 unit english and the hist extensh leaves me with 13....same as im doing now....hoping to pull of a...
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    Extension English

    yeah im in a class of 8 (only guy), and we're spending the year on far we've dun the simpsons, muriels wedding, fahrenheit 451, northanger abbey, and we're doing the importance of being earnest now.... All in all- great topic...good mix of texts....culda bin worse....but a cuple of...
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    Favorite fictional character

    some favourite characters- Stewie Griffin (Family Guy) House Stan (American Dad) Captain Planet- he's still so cool....even after all these years.... Hannibal Lector Trinity (the Matrix) Magneto (X-men) Jack Bauer (24) Veronica Mars Sam and Dean Winchester (Supernatural).....and probably lots...
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    Prelim. Msn/Aim/YIM Lists.

    hey- i do 3 Unit English Gen Maths Ancient and Modern HIstory Legal Business (accelerated)msn contact- Good luck 07'ers- we're gonna need it...;)
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    its been said before but it depends on how you feel at the time....sometimes you can find something that you used to love that you just think why did i even bother..... Anywayz- some of the best songs ever are iris, sympathy, -goo goo dolls almost, starsong- bowling for soup there is- boxcar...
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    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? TRAC- the Riverina Anglican College- in Wagga Wagga Fairly new school...we're the fourth senior year group
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    Which Subjects Will You Be Doing?

    Subjects 2006- Advanced English Extension English Advanced Maths (but plan on dropping to General) Ancient History Modern History Legal Studies Business Studies (accelerated- Yr 12 2006)As you can see im not a real big fan of dis maths/science stuf....if i honestly had a choice i probably...
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    dyin for help!!!

    if i had a choice betwen ancient history and geography, there is no way in hell i would take geog.....sure it may be considered by some people a little easier, but history is without question more enjoyable (though it is heavy on the old essays).....but if your not real confident with the...