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  1. C

    Jacaranda Physics Questions

    It probably is one of the better books out there. Ultimately there really is no ultimate text your teacher should have enough variety to help you understand the best possible way for that concept. Jacaranda after i wrote to them have some incorrect statements about Bragg's x-ray...
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    DC motor help

    Hey shoom, You are gonna need some expertise in using your hands to create a working DC motor. It's a straightforward thing with one vital part the: SPLIT RING COMMUTATOR It looks something like this: () Get this right and whooshka the coil will rotate..again and again and...
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    HSC 2004 question 19 (a)

    Hi jessi90, The answer to Mars exact position is an approximation. Based on the HSC markers report yes the better answers had a 1/3 of the position but as it said an approximation would have meant anywhere before a half would have been accepted and marked as correct. Regards
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    2 simple questions and a not-so-simple question

    I'll have a jab at these. For No 1 the wave - the time base represents an important relationship with f=1/T where T= period (i.e. the time in seconds) for one complete wavelength. When this is known(just take 2 crests or two troughts or one complete wavelngth period) just sub it in from the...
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    Anode/Cathode, which one is positive and negative?

    Very easy answer. In CHemistry you have an electrochemical cell and an electrolytic cell. One has current forced into it(electrochemical/galvanic) and one actually generates current(electrolytic). Here is where the deinfitions are not the same thing. In electrochemical anode=oxidising and...
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    Listing out data in calculations-What's the point?

    Excellent organisation is the key to success. Setting out is extremely important in Physics. This is especially true when doing the harder style questions as your organisation and layout play a huge role in actually arriving at the answer. And for us examiners it is much easier to see...
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    Physics test taking advice

    I mark a lot of exam papers, test, assignments and can give you a few pointers. Think scrupulously and meticulously. Every great Scientist has structure not only in their thought but also in their setting out. Make sure you make it easy for yourself by setting out your work coherently...
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    Confusion on Special Relativity

    To answer the OP question, Think of the Michelson/Morley experiment and understand the significance of the null result i.e. that there was no signifcant fringe shift measured (mathematically it was proven to have occured) and this troubled the Physics community and boffins. So along comes...
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    Confusion on Special Relativity

    Special theory of relativity is a consequence of the null result brought on by Michelson/Morley half silvered mirror experiment. Without this experiment Einstein may not have been as popular as he is today. I'll give him credit for the photoelectric effect in which he won a nobel prize for.
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    Electrical Circuits

    Electrical energy flows as a result of the atoms in the metal being a conductor. This creates a band structure and hence these free energy levels are now able to accept the moving negative charge called electrons around the wire. Electrical energy is by definiton today only electron flow...
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    If I can add my input into this question. Electromagnetism is a very broad statement which includes: * Induction * Faraday's Law * Lenz's Law * Magnetic flux * Back EMF * Mutual Inductance - Transformers * EMR There is no one off specific defintion of electromagnetism. More so it...
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    Physics Olympiad

    I had a student who received a distinction in the 2005 Physics Olympiad. My advice don't do it just for fun. You really should be gifted and have an ability to decipher copious amounts of paragraphs quickly. Your knowledge of Physics needs to be succint. Only a select amount of students...
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    HELP: physics ppl!

    Post it here. There are teachers on these forums as well. Enjoy :) CLONESTAR
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    any tips for 2006 phys students?

    As a teacher this is my recommendation. Listen to to your teacher's conceptual ideas about the hard concepts. I always use analogies to explain ideas. Again this would be based on your teachers experience and qualifications. Make notes for each topic which address quotes on syllabus. Do...
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    how do u make parts of a motor?

    Get some copper wire make sure its insulated.<-thin wire Get a 1.5v AAbattery. Some sandpaper Get some solder and thick copper wire. Atttach the thick copper wire to the ends of the battery in a loop like this: U l l...
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    Impacts of rocketry

    Do you mean impact on society or the general impact of firing a rocket? COnfuSed... CLONESTAR
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    Answering physics questions..

    As a teacher when I go through questions I tend to scan through them. I have become a robot where I can overview the question and then things stand out like data numbers formulas etc Its hard to explain but things just stand out. I then put data down, will draw a diagram to...
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    Has HSC physics been mutilated.......

    As a teacher I have to agree... There is more "describe" and "explain" rather than pure mathematics. Its reasonable but compared to the old syllabus there is no comparison. Old syllabus=Physics New syllabus= Medium amount of Physics but more english<-- focus on language and explanation...
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    Are the laws wrong?????????

    All calculations are correct. Einstein said that mass and energy are equivalent and therefore this decrease in mass is converted into energy. This way the conservation of energy still applies as: loss of mass is converted into energy, thereby allowing conservation to exist CLONESTAR
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    Weight force and jupiter

    Based on the fact that the mass of Jupiter is enormous compared to earth and that E(potential) is proportional to the mass of the planet i.e. jupiter you would have to say that the graph for jupiter would be much larger in terms of potential energy compared to earth assuming r is constant in...