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  1. gracie007

    Essay & Creative Writing task help

    I enjoy POMO, but I often have trouble writing an A range essay. Over the next few weeks I am required to write 4 1000 word pieces relating to POMO. I was wondering if any experienced current/past students would be able to act as a sort of mentor/guide to me over the next few weeks...
  2. gracie007

    Class of 2006??

    you'll be able to find out in 2007
  3. gracie007

    Mates + Exes

    if ur thinking of doing it, dont. ive been on both ends of the stick. 1st time: my really good mate went out with a guy i had just broken up with 2 months ago, went out for 6 monthes. she knew well that i was nowhere near over him, yet after much arguments between the three of us and all...
  4. gracie007

    Booked unrefundable schoolies - not friends anymore

    its not that but. its pretty much that some of us are really stubborn and just choose to be bitches without wanting to do anything about it. im willing to work it out, its year 12 we shouldnt be doing this anyway.
  5. gracie007

    Booked unrefundable schoolies - not friends anymore

    WHAT do we do Shel!?>!?!?!
  6. gracie007

    Postmodern Techniques

    Thats a great list. What about.. Ontological Games - POMO texts like to play games with ontological levels, flickering between different layers of 'reality' and representation like Ros & Guil Are Dead, Purple Rose Of Cairo, Will Self's short stories, Pynchon's Vineland. -Often use...
  7. gracie007

    Hawks Nest

    hahahahaa what a stupid question ohh, don't be seen in [insert name of sydney suburb here] cause youll be considered a loser! hey i just heard from some of the coolest ppl in syd that every suburb is uncool. its cool to just hang in ur house. forever. so do that k?
  8. gracie007

    So depressed

    at least you tried its better than regretting it later.
  9. gracie007

    This is for you 50 Cent haters

    Maybe u should open up UR mind a little by listening to different artists. And dont worry, Ill give u a couple more days to come up with answers to my previous arguments. Good day
  10. gracie007

    Nickelback concert

    Yeh good concert ay. I was feeling sick so I didnt get to party much up the front. That was a good opening song I it.
  11. gracie007

    robbie1's 50 Cent thread

    Re: 50 Cent says no to guns and yes to gyms No one cares.
  12. gracie007

    Recommendations for a resturant?

    OMG.... I am in love with that restaurant. My fave by far!
  13. gracie007


    uhhh, no. Listen, the exact same thing has happened to me in the past month. And more than once. Except once he did actually go. Seriously you gotta realise it's really hard to get pregnant anyway. If he was only in for like 30 secs and didn't blow the chances are soooo slim. I wouldn't...
  14. gracie007

    how young is too young??

    i'm sorry, you lost ur v at 13 with girls YOUNGER than you? that makes my brain hurt.
  15. gracie007

    LADIES - Help!

    wow. you're a loser.
  16. gracie007

    This is for you 50 Cent haters

    1. this was shown on mtv. repeat: mtv. enough said. 2. they are comparing him to tupac straight off, so that has got to be saying about how lame he/the show is. 3. awww are we meant to feel sorry for him cause he used to be bad and now hes all special and talented and making something of...
  17. gracie007

    which 1 is a good school to attend

    Would you be willing to board at a private school somewhere closer to the city? Thts always an option, but a hard one.
  18. gracie007

    study guide day

    i really wanna but cant cause im busy. damn! there should be a net version of the sale. or the leftovers or soemthing.
  19. gracie007

    Which Do You Think Is Harder?

    What!! I can't believe some ppl think Eng is harder. But its prob cause i think eng is soo easy. its a bullshit course. but even if i wasnt good at eng id imagine maths to be harder anyway
  20. gracie007

    Get good rankings in a big grade?

    Yeah. Hardly any do standard. I know lots from last year I might look into it. But from everyone's replys I'm not too worried/bothered anymore. So maybe not. :wave: