Search results

  1. G

    UAI 100 - Maths 2/3/4 U 99,Geography 96 (6th in NSW),German 96,English 94,Physics 94

    What is this, the dux-sticking-up-for-other-duxes league? :p Having said that, I've known this guy for yonks and he's the real deal, eh? Cya later tonight Kaivan ;)
  2. G

    Tutoring 99.65 Now Accepting 2006 Students

  3. G

    Tutor urgently needed - English possibly Modern History (HSC)

    Hey there :) I've sent out a PM...
  4. G

    English Advanced Tutor Needed

    Not in that area, but State Library in city? Can help much with essay technique, etc. Check my thread for further details. Alternatively email me. Cheers.
  5. G

    eng advanced tutor needed

    Hey there. I did the same modules as you (save Emma and Clueless), and I'm tutoring a couple of people for HSC atm... If you'd like to know more of what I've done/am doing take a look at my thread on these forums or email me at Cheers!
  6. G

    Tutoring 99.65 Now Accepting 2006 Students

    buming it up to the top... :)
  7. G

    Economics Honours Student Tutoring Maths and Economics

    Mate you've got to be the biggest hypocrite around... how about YOU stop attacking other tutors, eh?
  8. G

    City/Eastern Suburbs HSC Maths 2u/3u, Chem, Phy Tuition UAI 99.45 James Ruse ^^

    I think it's time to stop policing the forum. Or pretending that you can. Reflect, first, on your own reactionary frame of mind.
  9. G

    City/Eastern Suburbs HSC Maths 2u/3u, Chem, Phy Tuition UAI 99.45 James Ruse ^^

    I don't get it mate; you tutored that girl while you were both in year 12? lol.
  10. G

    Speed tutoring?

    I have three things to add: (1) As most UMAT prep courses will tell you, the only way to improve speed is to practice, practice, practice. Alternatively, look at UNSW's Learning Centre there may be some more ideas there... (2) In speed reading, I don't know how...
  11. G

    Tutoring 99.65 Now Accepting 2006 Students

    Hey! Thanks for that :)
  12. G

    Economics Honours Student offerring Maths & Economics Tuition

    lol What'd u delete that last post for? Have u got any students yet?? :p
  13. G

    Tutoring 99.65 Now Accepting 2006 Students

    NO! SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK! haha... nah man you'd be surprised to what lengths I'd go to help my tutees :)
  14. G

    Tutoring 99.65 Now Accepting 2006 Students

    yup i've emailed u back
  15. G

    Economics Honours student tutoring Maths and Economics North Shore

    This guy was shit, don't get tutoring from him, you'll fail ur HSC with style :p :p Nah I'm joking people - I knew Sam at school, he topped eco and so forth. Can't go wrong, really. Added bonus: he still does the subject he's teaching! haha good luck with it mate.