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  1. I

    how the hell do guys mind work??????????????? HELP PLEASE

    hmm i dunoo.. i mean - she's describing what she sees. in reality it could be harmless and insignificant, but because she like's him she see's it differently. she could be seeing it the way she want's to see it. most likely unintentionally. that's the problem when it come's to these things. you...
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    Future Music Festival 2007

    what a loser.
  3. I

    Help needed with a girl

    if you're really good friends then your friendship should be strong enough to get through this. by admitting your feelings it's not gonna be a hollywood ending where she looks up @ you and says "ohh ive been waiting for this for so long". so i think the only point of you admitting your feelings...
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    Music you HATE

    yeh youre right lol
  5. I

    Music you HATE

    you know, sometimes you say something smart, but then other times you say some stupid shit like this stuff lol. i havent beeen here in ageeesssss but whenever i pop in i always catch you repeating the same old diatribe. youre always just labelling the shit that potentially makes hip hop look...
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    What are you currently Reading?

    Hegemony or Survival - Noam Chomsky The Bourne Identity - Robert Ludlum
  7. I

    Who's doing year 12 again?

    do law somewhere else, then transfer
  8. I

    The Stress is Overrated

    I never associated the word "aspirations" with UAIs of less than what are you talking about my friend? anyway, my point appears to have flown way over your head like a plane. my facts aren't facts. it was a judgement.. a baseless one at that. that was the entire point. who am i...
  9. I

    The Stress is Overrated

    LOL why do people even read this bullshit? This doesn't even constitute the 5 minutes i wil be using of my life to respond. Who are you to pass on bullshit judgement like this? I've read every response you've made in this thread, and apart from the pseudo-intellectual crap, you come across as...
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    What to do now?

    people like you got absolutely no direction in anything. you need others to spoon feed you constantly, and when youre not told what to do you go nuts.
  11. I

    Jay-Z coming to Sydney!

    that new Jay-Z track, Lost One's is catchy as fuck lol i was like god damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. still got that chick singing the hook repeating in my head. annoying but catchy. speaks on some real stuff too. quality song ... way better than the first 2 things leaked.
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    The Best R&B/Rap/Hip-Hop for 2006

    Show Me What You Got is absolutely shit. Kingdom Come is meh What is this? Seriously, i was getting huge vibes that this would be some sort of groundbreaking, milestone album. He claims that his retirement was the "worst retirement possible", which itself infers that the songs he made for it...
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    Eminem presents: The Re-Up

    youre a moron. has anyone ever told you that?
  14. I

    The Best R&B/Rap/Hip-Hop for 2006

    its repetitive and pretty plain actually. so he came out of retirement to follow the same formula as the black album?? i thought he was gona spin something new and grounbreaking.. hopefully the other stuff he puts out will be better
  15. I

    New Game Album - The Doctors Advocate

    Looking forward to: Game, Jay-Z, Nas i cant remember who else
  16. I

    How much to expect to pay for a suit.

    the suits from Oxford are made in china dude. theyre majorly over-priced.
  17. I

    Ladies I need fashion help lol

    i know who you are and i've seen what you look like, and you're one ugly motherfucker.
  18. I

    How much to expect to pay for a suit.

    yes it would.
  19. I

    The Best R&B/Rap/Hip-Hop for 2006

    some of you are crazy. what do you mean where's LL? atleast he has remained relevant and has consistently been putting out records since, what, the mid 1980s? that alone proves that hes versatile, talented to remain near the forefront of hip hops commercial releases. although he hasnt sold...
  20. I

    Hip Hop is soooo 1990's.

    Game has improved a lot. This single is hot.