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  1. K

    Really high final hsc marks

    Well ofcourse there is hope. But high 90's for economics? Holy shit... Where do u think you would lose your marks? If you know everything back to front, then i guess go for 20/20 MC, 40/40 SA, and maybe lose a few marks on the essays...
  2. K

    Need a Tutor?

    I pay $22 per hour, and i would not mind paying $25... i think most ppl who want tutors would already have one considering the hsc is just a few weeks away
  3. K

    Whats was your trial mark? and what paper did you do?

    35%, highest mark was 52%, lowest was 20 something :/
  4. K

    Trial results 2003

    There was much lower in my class.... 20% lower :p
  5. K

    cash rate

    A contractionary stance of monetary policy is adopted when the RBA intends to raise the cash rate. In other words a higher cash rate means lower economic growth. Also, chnages in the short end of the yield curve are affected by changes in the cash rate, and interest rates at the long end will...
  6. K


    I guess 500? Each unit is out of 50, ten units count...
  7. K

    so where are u prob gona go afta hsc

    Hopefully wollongong uni ;o
  8. K

    UAI Estimation...

    FLR-IT I *think* the uai predictions are high because he goes to a very good school.
  9. K

    Uai Estimation Thread

    Sweet thanks. Yes I was going to drop 3unit maths (i walked out of the test half way through), but my teacher talked me out of it. It was a hard test, and the highest mark was 52%... Thanks for your opinion :)
  10. K

    Uai Estimation Thread

    Hey, I have all of my trial results back, and I was hoping that someone could give me a UAI estimation. My overall marks are on average higher than this (good assignments), however, my rankings are very similar to these, and like most people, i intend to improve these results for the HSC. 1)...
  11. K

    Independent Trial ...what did u get???

    18/20 38/40 17/20 17/20 90% first dunno my final assessment mark yet... first, second or third tho :)
  12. K

    WHAT'S the difference...

    Haha, thats a bit harsh, considering several people had their inputs into the difference between the two corporations. If you didn't listen or take note of them, then thats your fault, not ours.
  13. K

    Independent Trial ...what did u get???

    yes that was the idependant... i didnt do the section IV because my class hasnt done that yet. instead we did sum shitty question on employment relations ;o
  14. K

    WHAT'S the difference...

    It depends which source your using. "Transnational corporations are also known as multinational corporations" (Source Excel HSC Business Studies). However, perssonally, i think a multinational differs in that it bases throughout the world, and its products are normally more differentiated as...
  15. K

    WHAT'S the difference...

    Yes they are pretty much exactly the same.. and btw this is more of a business studies question? :)
  16. K


    I dont really understand this whole scaling thing.. Lets just say i got a raw mark of 85%, what would the HSC mark be? higher? lower?
  17. K

    Trial results 2003

    yes thatd be sweet if u could thanks. i should have my paper returned next week if u want a copy then
  18. K

    How To Write Prefect Legal Essays

    True to an extent, but it is impossible to fulfill the criteria in two pages.
  19. K

    Trial results 2003

    Is there anyway i could get a copy of this CSSA trial?
  20. K

    Family Law: Need your help

    ^^ yes true. The Family Law Reform Bill 1994 (2) (Cth) would make them legally binding, however, that is NOT the case atm