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  1. D

    a quick message

    panthers are so going to kick roosters asses....u'll see
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    End of year dance party!

    or to get tomaots and eggs thrown at you! jks - im sure some female bosers would like that!!! *ahem*...
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    End of year dance party!

    haha sounds good! count me in!
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    OMG OMG .. havent studied all week..~

    where u there yesterday (thursday) telepathetic!? i went there with a couple of friends.... we did get work done,alot, which doesnt happen much
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    my mum tells my borther off for annyoying me while i study, but by hat time hes already made me mad, i cant concerntrate. another way to study is just go to a library, its quiet, if u need music plug in ur headphones, and seeing other people study reallly motivates.
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    B Pharmacy - full fee paying

    actually, the head of the pharmacy proffesor spoke to us ina powerhouse seminiar, and the actuall number is around 1000-1500 a year - and there only 200 avaialable places
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    actuaries??-whats that

    actuaries may go on to be succefull with good income, only if theyre doing the course because its their interest, not cause of the oppurtunitites, which is also competitive. in the end they'll be boring buisness managers
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    anyone do forensics?

    hey! i do forensics, i have notes too if ur willing
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    Where to STUDY?

    well , its i was actually reffering to the bathroom....without the toilet cubicle...
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    Maths study group

    can i join?! please?! please?!
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    hows radiation therapy, diagnostic radiography or nM technology?wats the difference?~

    theyre both good jobs in terms of demand and availibility, only bad thing about them is exposure to radiaiton even if its a little amount and can do no harm in short term, you have to be really carefull
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    Graduate Medicine

    i might consider Bscience majoring in a maths related course or Bscience(nutrition).. then do psot grad medecine.. i dont want to become a gp or a surgeon, maybe a paedetrition...
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    Where to STUDY?

    or u can just study in the toilet without necessarily doing anything, i do that when we have visitors who are noisy or when i have cousins my mum tells me i have to stay with.... -"wheres dreamer?".... -'shes in the toilet' -'its almost been 1.5 hrs' -'i think shes feeling sick - constipation'
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    Average Assessment %

    i asked my teacher about my average! i could be in 80-90 range!! not bad for a person who once thought all acids were metals
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    Unsw Med First Round Interviews!!

    congrats frigid!! (dont worry people, i'll be saying the same to u very soon)
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    So Year 12s .. what's your first preference??

    all you people seem to have planned and your future and roughly know which course you're heading...anybody here who doesnt know what they want to be?!
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    Medicine - what next???

    just have hope and keep positive, and if u dont get its no big deal, you could always transfer, or perhaps its not meant to be...
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    exactly what it not pouring all my hope into entering one course, because the truth is i dont know what i want to be, careerwise...
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    Average Assessment %

    mine would be around 70-75...
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    im just keeping my options open, jus in case if something unexpected happens...