memories id rather forget include:
- when i was in year seven and my friend knew where one of our teacher lives, she told where he lives and he verified it, jokingly, i wanted to say i'm goimg to rob u sir" mistakingly came out 'i'm going to rape u sir"....
-my friend almost killing me giving...
got 63%, he marked really hard and theres a few marks im supposed to get which he admitted, i dont think he can change it though! i came 4th, highest was 80%, just as well, didnt study as much as others :lol: do better next time
i was given one... but the first time i told them i was already a memeber, and i could see they wanted to talk more but my friends wanted to go inside....they think im weird but anyway
we had this one guy who was wearing a uts to help us, hes an old guy, but man did his breath stink of alcohol, i now know why theyre so confident to ask people if they need help...
anybody living in sydney's west should try penrith librbary.... good resources, large study area, and close to krispy kreme!! and of course open till late
did anybody here do the neap trial exam?! that was hard... really challenging...but it was good in that it covered the whole syllabus topics equally...