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  1. S

    Simpson's Rule

    whoa whoa, hold on there- the way i remember it is by remembering the one with 3 function values f(start) + 4f(middle) + f(end) so this means that the second value (which is even) is multiplied by 4, therefore the odd one is multiplied by 2- (since there are no odd values in 3 function values...
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    Major Work

    a week and a bit to go!
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    major project

    make pong!!!- you know what pong is don't you? Anyway- it might be a little simple for a major project but it can be quite easily coded in VB- and there's room for expansion too
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    Christian reading for King Lear

    I'm looking for notes on a possible christian reading for king lear- can anyone help??? Pretty please. :confused:
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    Now, if a larger current is placed at either the collector of a transistor, waiting to flow through the transistor. The switching which is done by the base allows this larger current "waiting" at the emmitter, and as the middle part of the silicon wafer is switched by the base, it allows current...
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    Ok, ok- i'm not sure whether you were quoting me, but i'll try again. There are 3 leads on a transistor. The middle one is usually the base- this is the lead that applies a current to the n or p type silicon in the middle of the sandwich of silicon. (which is the same as the "Grid" in a...
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    transistors The way i see it (but don't quote me on this)- is that basically it acts as a switch to amplify the signal. If a signal is applied at the base lead of a transistor(the one that controls the p-n junction)- then the transistor will allow current to flow according to the amount of...
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    Major Work

    Holy Crap Whoa- huge... here i am thinking i've gotta shorten mine a bit- i dunno that there's even that much info in my head on my project. A lot of my project is diary.
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    Major Work

    folio My folio is 110 pages including loads of photos and diagrams- but that's not including formal CAD drawings, receipts, evaluation letters etc.- I think it may be a bit long winded though.
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    Major Work

    MDP It's really hard- i dunno if i'm the lucky one having finished my project and folio early- i mean there's still heaps to do, but i'm worried that i've missed something- for that reason it's probably better finishing at 6am on the 2nd sep.
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    How can I gain 10% in my physics mark.. ?

    fully What an excellent explanation "touchy feely hsc"- but we're only forced to do the bloody thing- no longer can you get by with some simple know-how about how to derive formulas.
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    How can I gain 10% in my physics mark.. ?

    Personally i think science is turning more and more into english than anything else- we've even gotta get the right verb- "explain", or whatever- they can't expect us to remember the structure of an explanation when the course has been beefed up with a whole bunch of stuff you've got to remember!