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  1. d1ngo

    the limitations of ants

    I always agreed that the ant was a futile being... the fact is tho, that i was right. The "narrator" is a construct of the playwright, as are the characters, therefore making the narrator one of the characters, subject to the rule of the playwright. The question that must be asked is...
  2. d1ngo

    Did any one here try out for australian idol? if so what happened?

    if its on i'll prolly be there... if i get time off work or whatever i'm doin... I was supposeed to do Liam Lynch's United States of Whatever if i made it past the audition... as a dare, but i dunno if i wud've... fuck it'd be funny to see tho... :)
  3. d1ngo

    PMH - Harrison's a bitch...

    The guy, Harrison, is the saddest excuse for a music teacher that i have ever seen... and it seems to be that the school just happens to get the worst... we went form a batman lookalike who played in an ABBA cover band, to a 50-something russian prostitute, to a 23-year old hippy/stoner chick...
  4. d1ngo

    the limitations of ants

    sorry g00k, but i had to... "COKE FLOOD" is ONE word? lol... j/k... what u say goes, for u, though superior, are tolerant of the ants, and respect them...
  5. d1ngo

    the limitations of ants

    The CHARACTERS need not a narrator to be brought into existence... they need a PLAYWRIGHT, meaning that in essence, while a NARRATOR is 'omnipresent' as you say, he is STILL a character created by the playwright, who are not necessarily the same person. Thus negating your argument about...
  6. d1ngo

    the limitations of ants

    Unless the characters rise up in revolt...
  7. d1ngo

    the limitations of ants

    The quote was used to symbolise the image that these "superior beings" have created for themselves... in essence, the fact that the 'superior being' hates the ants, means that the ants are less likely to continue to do the menial tasks for them... the queen IS the slave... not the other way...
  8. d1ngo

    the limitations of ants

    ants still remain to be funny... (hmm... maybe i should change this... ?) "Worker bees can leave Even drones can fly away The queen is their slave" The same remains in humanity... for the "ants" control the "superior" "You have to consider the possibility that God doesn't like...
  9. d1ngo

    the limitations of ants

    lalalalala... hahahaha
  10. d1ngo

    if you could see one point in history

    I have to ask narrator... do u want to be best friends with Alexander by todays standards? Or by the ancient greek standards? Thus making you his bitch???
  11. d1ngo

    PMH - Harrison's a bitch...

    For those ppl wondering who 'harrison' is... thnk back to the movie Billy Madison, where Adam Sanler grabs the fat kid and says the line "Stay Here. Stay As Long As You Can..." The Fat kid is Harriso about 30 yrs ago... This thread's for all the ppl affected by harrison and his lack of a...
  12. d1ngo

    the limitations of ants

    wtf? how come MY post came up as narrators? the school network is eating some serious ass at the moment... :S
  13. d1ngo

    the limitations of ants

    Damn cached pages... it says it's 11:35 am still... what a joke... :P once i can refresh this page i'll answer your comments narrator...
  14. d1ngo

    is 'intentionality' a word?

    It might just be as much of a word as DISGRACIOUS... Disgracious: the act of not being gracious.
  15. d1ngo

    Failing All My Subjects

    I would have to agree with AsyLum... if u ARE failing all your subjects... maybe u shouldn't be at school... or maybe even alive... u sound like an excellent excuse for a suicide case... i know if i was you id've popped multiple thousands of pills and drank alcohol to further increase my...
  16. d1ngo

    the limitations of ants

    Being an ant sucks... who wants to conform to reality? I'd rather live in my world of delusionment... and depression... and lust... the very things that make us different from animals... maybe when i wake up from MY reality, for reality can only be defined by oneself, then i might have dreamt...
  17. d1ngo

    the limitations of ants

    i dunno... i'm getting bored... it's no fun when u know thatin the end no-one will be "delivered to the realm of the unliving." I'll stick with war... it's easier to take the piss out of.
  18. d1ngo

    [ The token thread of increasing SPAM since the course ended ]

    Sounds like satanism to me... does it work? or, like communism, is it only theoretical? Maybe my previously-drug induced stupor has started to wear off... but the banality of replying to these messages has started to make itself clear... a "higher" intellect probably wouldn't have replied to...
  19. d1ngo

    [ The token thread of increasing SPAM since the course ended ]

    keep bringing the big words... :) i can handle them... :) ants ARE many.. yes... but without them... who'd do the hard work? Not these 'superior' intellects... oh... btw... i got the tape from the play... the one where sarah fooled u hard... remember? she 'lost her voice?' gotta luv...
  20. d1ngo

    [ The token thread of increasing SPAM since the course ended ]

    if i HAD a superiority complex, then at least i would admit it... not pretend i don't... :)